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gray tops blood test results

joe 2013

Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
well guys i blood tested these gray tops and got the results today . I was asked by Uncle Z to do 2 tests monday and wednesday at 5ius each instead of the standard 10ius protocol . monday i tested at 17.50 and wednesday at 18.10 .
3 hours after injecting 5ius these results are very good , if look on the left of the pic there are 2 test results from 2014 , genotropin which tested incredibly high ( 65.90 ) and a generic called zenostim which at 10ius tested the same as the gray tops , 17.50
i knew these gray tops were good as i'm running them at 4ius ed and i feel great
I was considering ordering from him but was a little worried that it would be shipping international. Prices are good. Has anyone had any problems getting shipment?

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I did a pretty big order a few weeks ago, they shipped in 2 separate packages and they both arrived within a couple of weeks.
I also got the grey tops and tested them as well. I did protocol and mine tested at 16.4, which is actually pretty high on me, as I am 5'11, 305 and my tests never show as high as some others on here.
Thanks for the info. Once the funds build up a little bit more I am planning on placing an order!

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Thanks for the feedback!!