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Harvard Gun researcher

IML Gear Cream!
What strikes me as ackward is that "We" lost 26 human lives at Sandy Hook Elementary. That event kick started the Gun Grabber's adgenda.

But The Veterans Adminstration annouces 22 vets PER DAY are commiting suicide! Are the VETS who fought for "OUR" rights not important? Why are 20 little kids and 6 adults more important than 8000+ Veterans per year committing suicude?

This seems like a much bigger problem?

VA Announces 22 Veterans Commit Suicide Every Day - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

Exactly. Keep shit in perspective. They present it like "how can you disrespect the children whose lives were lost??" but I think the much bigger thing is look at all the energy you're wasting on the distractions that won't actually make a difference. AT THE COST OF DOING THINGS THAT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. IMO its an blaring insult to the memory of those children whose lives were lost. And in fact, an exploitation of their memory for an agenda that continues to be a complete waste of time, money and btw.. an attack on our constitutional rights that our Founding Fathers had the selflessness to consider the inalienable rights and NOT explicitly dependent up their immediate times. How many times do we need to relive the events driven by Hitler to learn the cost of this sort of shit??

It used to freak me out that the horrors of Hitler and the Holocaust were only 20 years before I was born .. not in Medieval England or in Grimm's Fairy Tales... but a mere 20 years before I was born. I went to school w/ kids who had lost an entire generation of their families to the Holocaust. And now here we are 45 years since and its like we've completely forgotten. Its irrelevant. Its just a story. That would never happen. Not under this president. Not in these enlightened times of liberal acceptance and tree hugging. Are you fucking kidding me? How many parallels do you need to see before it starts to smell like the same pile of shit.. maybe just w/o the German accent??
But The Veterans Adminstration annouces 22 vets PER DAY are commiting suicide! Are the VETS who fought for "OUR" rights not important? Why are 20 little kids and 6 adults more important than 8000+ Veterans per year committing suicude?

To be blunt, people are stupid. They're emotional 'thinkers'. Everyone sees Sandy Hook as a tragedy but when it comes to making national policy you've got to collect yourself and make rational decisions. It's irrational to make sweeping national policy that infringes on constitutional rights and is unsupported by past evidence based on one or a few isolated incidents.

If not for software that's the only way that tit will shoot a gun.
What strikes me as ackward is that "We" lost 26 human lives at Sandy Hook Elementary. That event kick started the Gun Grabber's adgenda.

But The Veterans Adminstration annouces 22 vets PER DAY are commiting suicide! Are the VETS who fought for "OUR" rights not important? Why are 20 little kids and 6 adults more important than 8000+ Veterans per year committing suicude?

This seems like a much bigger problem?

VA Announces 22 Veterans Commit Suicide Every Day - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

Because once our government is done with them they just cast our military members aside.