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How much more toxic is Anadrol than Dbol?


May 29, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!
I've dbol many times with absolutely no problems but this anadrol really fucked me up. I started having serious health problems after 30 of them and had to stop. I took about 2 months off orals and took milk thistle and I do think it helped my liver regen. I popped a dbol today preworkout for convenience and it was great, but now i have post traumatic stress from the anadrol. I feel better but I don't want to go back to how I felt before.. How much worse is anadrol than dbol? I also have a bunch of Winny and anavar on hand.. winny is supposed to be bad for you and anavar is supposed to be mild. How would your rate those? should i just use anavar for now or is the dbol ok? I will save the winny for later. I used up all my test but I have some tren so next week I will probably just cruise on a low dose of tren and save the orals for those days where its clearing out of my system but I don't feel like doing another injection. My enter button doesn't work on this site on this browser so sorry for the wall of text.
Did you just say you have ptsd from oral steroids?

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yes anadrol fucked me up. i didn't even do a lot of it and i dont drink. never had a problem with dbol which ive done many times.. anadrol has a reputation for being toxic. so what are you talking shit for? is there something wrong with me asking how toxic it is? what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
Actually anadrol is a lot safer than dbol mg for mg. Go to pubmed and look at the doses and durations that they have people run in clinical trials and how little they are negatively affected by it. Not sure what the problem is here man. Maybe those pills have something else in em or maybe you should be staying away from orals.
Actually anadrol is a lot safer than dbol mg for mg. Go to pubmed and look at the doses and durations that they have people run in clinical trials and how little they are negatively affected by it. Not sure what the problem is here man. Maybe those pills have something else in em or maybe you should be staying away from orals.
well i was taking about 100mg a day. the dbols are usually only 20 or 25mg. i think you may be right. i dont drink anymore and havent in a long time but i did a lot, a long time ago. everything else from my source has been legit so far. i think my liver has recovered really fast but im going to make sure i take milk thistle for now on
Drol makes me moody as fuck and shitty feeling.

Dbol is awesome at 30-50mgs for me.

i can easily handle 700mgs of tren ace no prob. (Other than insomnia which I treat)

Point being different things for different people.

The reason you got shit is because you claimed to have PTSD from gear. You may have liver damage but I doubt it. PTSD is for people in the military that saw all their friends get blown away etc not some gear.
I just got off running adrol and dbol 100mg and 40mg respectively. I can say that the androl killed my appetite but these drugs together yielded pretty awesome results. I didn't really get my liver enzymes checked or anything but I drank a lot of damn water and my piss was pretty damn dark. Anyway, I guess it depends on the person, anavar is a lot milder when it comes to hepa toxicity but your not going to get the same results.
IML Gear Cream!
I just got off running adrol and dbol 100mg and 40mg respectively. I can say that the androl killed my appetite but these drugs together yielded pretty awesome results. I didn't really get my liver enzymes checked or anything but I drank a lot of damn water and my piss was pretty damn dark. Anyway, I guess it depends on the person, anavar is a lot milder when it comes to hepa toxicity but your not going to get the same results.

did you get ptsd?
sounds like some one was not taking proper supporting supplements. With gear i all ways drink 1.5 gallons of water and liv 52. on orals i add in 4 ounces of pure cranberry juice not from concentrate, 1 lemon, and nac 600. Never have issues with my liver at all. My values go up al ill but nothing compared to what i have seen posted and i take 150 drol and 60 dbol at the same time. Also slamming halo and var for a prep and i was fine.

Drol is not as bad as people think it is period, the only thing i hate about it is the hunger shit which is why i go 2 weeks on 2 weeks off of drol and run dbol the entire time for 8 weeks. My gains dont stop and i dont have eating issues. To answer your questions there is zero right answer unless you get blood work done and we know your entire nutritional break down, because i saw your slin protocol with those barritos so i cant see your diet being on point.
When you say ptsd and "issues", what issues are you referring to? feeling like shit or actual labwork saying you're fucked.
You gotta take care of yourself to bro. If you feel like shit, drink plenty of fluids. Take ur dbol on full stomach. Maybe gears are for you.