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I need to put on size without fat gain

looking at doing clomid and nolva for PCT, Need some recomendations on amounts.

Turbo I think you might look into running 3-500iu of HCG every 4-5 days during the cycle starting day one week two.

On the PCT I think you can go with either nolva or clomid (plenty of old threads on PCT dosing), will you be running any AI on cycle?
turboflash, Its good to know every body???s opinion and educate ur self but in last u have to stick with 1 opinion so I suggest go with victorZ06 cuz from the first day he is the one who educated me and clear my mind in the world of bodybuilding ??? if u like to see my pic go check them out its all victorZ06 knowledge that i use. I use his experience and u can see the results of my first steroid cycle ever???

I also respect other member???s knowledge like shadowcam, mudge and built etc etc so take their advice too but V for vvvvvvvvvictorZ06.

Be safe.
Is this what you have currently, or is this your first ever cycle? I'm about to do my first cycle and I'm only doing test for 10 weeks. Keeping it simple has it benefits.
PCT-I'd run Palumbo's recommendations. Nicely thought out and very thorough.
Here's the article:


Whenever one considers stopping an anabolic steroid cycle, it is extremely important to wean yourself off of the drugs very slowly. For instance, if someone were taking 1000mg of sustanon per week, they would not want to just abruptly stop taking everything. The problem with just ???stopping??? a cycle, while taking such a high dosage of steroids, is that you may suffer the very unfortunate fate of ???crashing???. In bodybuilding circles, when we talk of ???crashing??? we are referring to the situation whereby the user abruptly stops taking any exogenous anabolic steroids yet they also have no endogenous (natural) production of testosterone (due to the temporary shutdown
of their pituitary gland from all the aromatizing steroids the user is taking). Usually it takes approximately 2-3 weeks for natural testosterone to start being produced. It is during this 2-3 week period that the user is extremely vulnerable to viruses (caused by a suppressed immune system), low sex drive (caused by a low testosterone level), and worst of all, lean muscle losses (also caused
by low testosterone levels). How can we prevent this ???crash??? of the endogenous hormonal systems from occurring? First off, in the first week, it is a really smart idea to slowly lower the amounts of all injected anabolic steroids (bring injected testosterone levels immediately down to 500mg per week). Secondly (week 2), go off all oral compounds and stop all injected anabolics (with the exception of long-acting injected testosterones???keep them at 500mg per week). It is a good idea to
stay on long acting testosterones (such as testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate) as opposed to short acting ones (such as testosterone propionate or testosterone phenylpropionate) because the long duration esters will slowly leave the bloodstream over the course
of 3-4 weeks (therefore, there will always be some hormone present) during which time the user???s body will have a chance to start producing endogenous testosterone. Thirdly (around week 4), following the last dose of injected
testosterone, the user should start a 2 week course of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Every second day, the user should inject 2000 IU???s of HCG. HCG is a hormone that mimics the effects of the pituitary hormone Luteining Hormone (LH). LH, in men, stimulates
the leydig cells of the testicles to produce testosterone (this will effectively ???kickstart??? the inactive testes).
Lastly (around week 6), Clomid (clomiphene citrate) should be administered orally at a dose of 50mg two times per day (for 2 weeks). Clomid is a synthetic estrogen that, in men, can perform two functions: a) Clomid antagonizes estrogen receptors (somewhat
inhibiting the estrogenic side effects of aromatizing anabolic steroids).b) Clomid mimics the effects of the hypothalamic hormone Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GRH). In humans, GRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce LH and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This final role of Clomid, then, is to help awaken the pituitary gland that has been suppressed from the heavy anabolic steroid cycle
that was just recently ceased. Once the last Clomid pill has been swallowed, it is time to allow
the body to restore its natural endogenous hormonal system to normal. This restoration may take upwards of 2-4 weeks. I suggest staying off all synthetic anabolic steroids for at least 6-8 weeks following the ingestion of the last Clomid pill. This ???break??? should give your liver cells adequate time to detoxify themselves and your muscle cell receptors enough time to, once again, become receptive to anabolic stimuli.

- HCG: 2000mg every second day for two weeks
- Clomid: (start 2 weeks after conclusion of cycle) 50mg two times per day for two weeks
- Aromatase Inhibitor: Arimidex (.5mg every other day) or TESTOSTOLYZE (5 pills every day)
That is a very similar PCT protocol to what I use and works very well for me and many others.
frrreaks YOU? OUT?.......you must be joking!....<Rubs sore abs>..ummm....ok, may be not.
4th cycle

Is this what you have currently, or is this your first ever cycle? I'm about to do my first cycle and I'm only doing test for 10 weeks. Keeping it simple has it benefits.
PCT-I'd run Palumbo's recommendations. Nicely thought out and very thorough.

This is my 4th cycle.
IML Gear Cream!
turboflash, Its good to know every body???s opinion and educate ur self but in last u have to stick with 1 opinion so I suggest go with victorZ06 cuz from the first day he is the one who educated me and clear my mind in the world of bodybuilding ??? if u like to see my pic go check them out its all victorZ06 knowledge that i use. I use his experience and u can see the results of my first steroid cycle ever???

I also respect other member???s knowledge like shadowcam, mudge and built etc etc so take their advice too but V for vvvvvvvvvictorZ06.

Be safe.

I really do like victorZ06 knowledge, and Im running the cycle. 1st week went well. I will be turning it up everyweek as cycle goes on.
the only thing stopping me is that you need to inject in the fatty area of your abs and that frrreaks me out.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Bro, this is the easiest thing in the world to do. You don't even feel it! I wish I could take all my AAS via sub-q. If 90 yr. old diabetics can do it, you shouldn't have a problem. Good luck and keep us posted. :thumb:

Next time. I'm a newb right now, and want to do this singularly in terms of injections. Once I get used to pinning, I'll do it. And besides, I really dont know much about HCG yet.
You can inject HCG intra-muscular but Sub-Q is a far easier option especially if your pinning more frequently during a cycle.
Almost 2 weeks In and up 5lbs

Strength is off the chart! Diet is clean Running around 60/25/15 at 4000Cal & 400g protein a day. I will increase calories with training intensity. Muscle look real full, and vascular! Body fat up just a little, abs still in.
[/SIZE][/FONT] - HCG: 2000mg every second day for two weeks
- Clomid: (start 2 weeks after conclusion of cycle) 50mg two times per day for two weeks
- Aromatase Inhibitor: Arimidex (.5mg every other day) or TESTOSTOLYZE (5 pills every day)

HCG for PCT? And in those amounts? I thought the consensus was that it is best to run HCG during a cycle (from week 3), timing the last shot of HCG with the last shot of your average long-ester AAS (Test E etc). This is mainly in order to avoid shutting the boys down in the first place but also because it converts to something which impacts the HPTA so if you use it for PCT then all you're doing is putting off the crash not softening it. Or am I wrong?

What do you mean "putting off the crash"??
What do you mean "putting off the crash"??

I mean HCG itself reinforces the shutdown of the HPTA by aromatising or being prostagenic or some feedback loop like that... the article someone cut and pasted talked about how to avoid the crash and I thought the advice about longer esters was sound but that on HCG was not. Your balls might kick back in but the other bits of the axis (hypothalamus and/or pituitary) will stay surpressed because of the HCG... or something like that.

Lots of posts on cycle advice on this board: most say you should run HCG at 300-400 units every 3-4 days from week 3 to the last shot. There is also evidence, I believe, that using HCG in too high doses desensitises the leydig (?) cells.

Just trying to clarify before loads of newbies desensitise their balls...

I'll see if I can dig out a decent post on this.
Big problem out of Test E / 4 weeks left
have plenty of sus250 can I sub it inplace of test e?