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If it became impossible to get gear.....would you still train?


UncleZ Representative
Board Rep
Jul 18, 2011
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IML Gear Cream!
I'm stealing this question from a member on another forum. I found it interesting and would like to hear different opinions.

As the title states....if something happened (use your imagination) and it became impossible to acquire anabolic steroids.....would you continue to train like you do? Knowing that despite your best efforts you will regress back to a natural physique and plateau there with no chance of real progression?

We all do this to see results and be better than we were the year before. Anabolics continue to make this possible once we surpass what we can achieve naturally. If they are taken away....do we continue to bus tour asses?
DUUUUUUDE!!!! That would suck. Especially since i blast and cruise. 40 years old so my test levels were shit anyway..but yeah. Id still try to lift. My test level was at 23 after a cycle once and i still worked out. Had a buddy pushing me through every rep but i hung in there.
Why are you asking a bunch of trannies who don't lift any question about training???

This is a way of life for many, if not most, of us.

If gear "suddenly became unavailable" it would weed out the posers and wannabes who think the gear is a magic potion.
And crossfit would die...
Most definitely!!! I love the iron and would overcome not having juice. Mind over matter.
Gotta keep lifting its a way of life. Gotta remain a moose!

H-as Pharma
Id start harvesting foetuses for their stem cells :coffee:
IML Gear Cream!
Yes, because I crave the mental & physical challenge that I get when I'm in the gym.. That said, it would suck balls knowing that getting over a plateau would take soo much longer, & that i would never feel that rush from the "juice"..