What have you found to be successful as far as an injectable sarms to help cut fat and not affect testosterone levels?
Injectable sarms that you have found is good for cutting fat and won't mess with the testosterone currently on?
What have you found to be successful as far as an injectable sarms to help cut fat and not affect testosterone levels?
Injectable sarms that you have found is good for cutting fat and won't mess with the testosterone currently on?
Most sarm profiles say they can shut down or hinder production of testosterone and need post cycle therapy. I have yet to read a sarm profile that said it doesn't require pct .
Thanks for the info, man. As for advice, I take these supplements https://paradigmpeptides.com/product-category/nootropics/. My doctor has prescribed it for me. Btw, my friend works there, and once, he gave me sarms for a try. And, you know, it helped me reduce the % of fat in my body. Now I have about 5% of it. And the gains are actually great. But, I guess if I hadn’t consulted my doctor, I wouldn’t have had such results. That’s why the first thing you should do is to talk with your specialist. It’s really crucial, man. So, take it into consideration. Hope I’ve helped you. GL
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