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Is Diet Soda A NO NO


Sep 18, 2009
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Chicago, IL
IML Gear Cream!
Should diet soda be avoided for general weight loss? I have read so many different versions on if it is harmful to losing fat that I am lost.:hmmm: Do most of you avoid diet soda? I know there are no health benefits from it. I just crave something sweet for some reason at times. I am not talking about a steady diet of it, just 1 or 2 cans in the evening.
diet soda shouldn't affect your weight loss. It's just that the artificial sweeteners are questionable to your health
when its in my house i will kill some diet coke/pepsi. it gives me something different and adds a small boost of caffeine. My all time favorite is iced tea, then again i sweeten it with sweet n low so im sure one day i will turn into the lab rat that is force fed by the truck load. Ill die happy i guess at the age of 105
I drink a ton of it and never had issues with weight loss.
I don't think the aspartame is good for you.

I once purchased a weight gain shake that contained aspartame and I felt really ill about a week after using it and I would get random headaches, dizziness and loss of concentration and I wondered why. When I found out about aspartame I thought I would stop and see if this really was why I was feeling like I was, and sure enough about a week after stopping I stopped getting the random headaches, diziness and other effects caused by what I believed to be the aspartame.
I never touch the stuff, I could never deal with the nasty after taste.
IML Gear Cream!
diet soda shouldn't affect your weight loss. It's just that the artificial sweeteners are questionable to your health
when i did diet with soda i felt like crap, no energy. dont do that