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Is your Growth Hormone real? A guide to find out (updated)


Chemistry Experiment
Super Moderator
Dec 4, 2009
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Staying Anabolic
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HGH is expensive and often faked so about 1 year ago I began testing HGH using HGH serum and IGF-1 testing via blood work. During this period of time the real world experience of testing HGH led me down an exciting road of research and learning. It is my hope to share my experiences and the science behind HGH testing so that HGH users may know for sure that the products they are injecting are genuine.


The Protocol

10 iu rHGH Intramuscular injection (IM)

Have your blood drawn 3-4 hours after injecting.
Fasting is not necessary.
No strenuous activity for at least 30 min prior to test.

With a 10iu vial, inject 1 ml (cc) into the vial that contains the GH powder/puck. Direct the stream of water down the side of the glass, being careful not to direct the stream of water directly into the GH powder; swirl gently until the powder is completely dissolved in the solution. DO NOT SHAKE THE VIAL.

*WARNING* GH serum testing is a crude method for confirming GH potency.

What do the results mean? My research and experiences indicate that injecting 10iu IM of pharmaceutical grade rHGH yields a serum level of between 15-50+ ng/mL in most cases. However this is a general range and should not be interpreted to form a strong opinion about the potency of HGH products. Several tests should be performed to determine an individualistic response.

Originally I began serum testing after injecting HGH subcutaneously (SC) however after some research and several lab tests I determined that SC injections did not raise GH serum levels as much as IM injections.(1)(2) This led to confusion as other users were injecting IM which made their results look dramatically better. In order to avoid confusion several veterans including myself decided to adopt IM as the standard method for testing serum HGH levels. What we learned along the way was quite interesting.

Several men were getting fantastic results with various brands of underground and overseas HGH but I and another man were getting mediocre results at best. It seemed as though we were just unlucky. Our serum levels routinely fell 10-20 ng/mL lower than the others results. After about a half a dozen lab tests I decided to administer USA pharmacy HGH to help determine my response to a known potency of HGH. My results were staggering. My serum levels again fell short of what was expected. I tested less than 20 ng/mL. At that time I concluded that I was a low responder to HGH and that serum testing was a crude method at best for proving HGH.

However a pattern was forming for me. 10iu of HGH was resulting in a range of about 14-24 ng/mL. This has given me a personal range that reflects real world experience not just some text book answer. The studies indicate that I should respond higher. The real world disagrees. Why?

Maybe it's my body weight or maybe my size (surface area). Maybe I just don't respond well to HGH. Maybe it's something else. My journey to find out left me questioning. Those questions led me to more research. I still feel like the answer is somewhat elusive but what I discovered next gave me a balanced understanding of just how crude GH serum testing is.

In 2004 a study was conducted that measured GH antibodies in children who had received Growth Hormone over a 6 month period. 4 of the 47 children showed the presence of antibodies against rhGH. The researchers concluded that the main concern with anti-GH antibodies could be their ability to neutralize circulating growth hormone and inhibit its growth promoting effect.(3) Therefore we must be careful not to erroneously conclude a batch of GH is fake if a user's results are substandard. This supports the view that several lab tests should be conducted with a known potency of rHGH. This will prove if the subject is a low responder to rHGH.

Although this serum method is crude it does provide valuable insight. I have a known response to USA pharmacy rHGH. If an UGL or overseas product can elevate my GH levels as high as the US pharmacy GH I can be relatively confident that my GH is genuine.

It is my hope that many users follow this protocol and record their responses here so we can further understand how injecting rHGH affects serum levels in a wide range of people. This will increase our knowledge and also protect members against those who sell fake products.



1 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6904/7/10
2 http://www.eje-online.org/content/156/6/647.long
3 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15000864


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Another great read Thx for the time and effort !:winkfinger: to put this out there .
Nice write up.
Very good approach. As an aside, for real world use, is IM or is sub-q more effective?
Very informative. Thanks Heavy
Can't you also check to see if your gh is fake by taking your blood sugar levels 30min after inject? I have heard that you can because after injecting gh shouldn't it lower blood sugar levels?
Excellent article. But I am told that anti-bodies to rHGH develop when you inject yourself with a molecule that very closely resembles HGH (191 aa ) but is actually a different molecule (eg: 192 aa). So, yes, in the short-term, your HGH levels may go up even if you injected 192 aa but in the long run, your body will develop anti-bodies for 192 aa and often start attacking 191aa as well. So, this is very very very bad for you in the long-term. This leads to auto-immune disease where your immunity attacks your natural HGH too mistaking it for 192 aa.
Heavy, with the rise in popularity of peptides, how are you determining whether its a peptide or gh that is causing a rise in ones GH level?
We all know China well enough, I have a feeling we're going to be seeing more and more peptides be sold as GH coming from there. Ive spoke
with someone who has informed how to get around this but the process is a bit longer and you have to look at igf levels rather then gh serum levels.
igf is not cheap so it could be worse if you got 10 vilas of igf-lr3 they run close to 100 bucks a vial so i think you would be getting something cheaper like cjc or ipam or something.
Heavy, with the rise in popularity of peptides, how are you determining whether its a peptide or gh that is causing a rise in ones GH level?
We all know China well enough, I have a feeling we're going to be seeing more and more peptides be sold as GH coming from there. Ive spoke
with someone who has informed how to get around this but the process is a bit longer and you have to look at igf levels rather then gh serum levels.
I agree, the medical community commonly looks at GH serum values and IGF-1 levels with as much or more emphasis on IGF-1 levels. Again, these are crude methods for determining whether rHGH is genuine so caution must be taken even if other markers like IGF-1 are measured.
I believe we will soon be seeing more and more peptides being labeled as GH coming out of China so buyers must beware.

I agree, the medical community commonly looks at GH serum values and IGF-1 levels with as much or more emphasis on IGF-1 levels. Again, these are crude methods for determining whether rHGH is genuine so caution must be taken even if other markers like IGF-1 are measured.
Fuck China. I understand that there will be bunk shit eventually in this game, but with growth generics you're far more likely to get fake shit than real shit.
Iron Mag did random tests from 2 different sources of green tops and blue tops hgh and were both real hgh but a bit underdosed. check the lab results they posted here. You need to read the facts before commenting cause it makes you look stupid FYI. (excerciseorgie) and as far as your comment "dont do illegal shit" your a fuckin hypocrite
As a type one diabetic, I think that I can tell GH is real just by the amount of insulin I need. The "cheap" china growth I used raised my blood sugar substantially. I needed triple the amount of insulin with no dietary change. I guess this does not prove whether or not it was actually a peptide, but it did work either way. 3iu per day.
Iron Mag did random tests from 2 different sources of green tops and blue tops hgh and were both real hgh but a bit underdosed. check the lab results they posted here. You need to read the facts before commenting cause it makes you look stupid FYI. (excerciseorgie) and as far as your comment "dont do illegal shit" your a fuckin hypocrite

Post a link to these threads.

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I did get bloodwork done recently. (couple weeks ago) I pinned 10iu subq, blood was drawn 3hrs 10 minutes later. Serum level was 14.0.

I did talk with the supplier and he said I should of gotten igf levels tested as well. Since I pinned subq, is it possible the hgh is pretty on point? I suspected it was underdosed, but reading the article, it seems the serum level, especially subq injections can fluctuate a lot.

I did get bloodwork done recently. (couple weeks ago) I pinned 10iu subq, blood was drawn 3hrs 10 minutes later. Serum level was 14.0.

I did talk with the supplier and he said I should of gotten igf levels tested as well. Since I pinned subq, is it possible the hgh is pretty on point? I suspected it was underdosed, but reading the article, it seems the serum level, especially subq injections can fluctuate a lot.

Subq will definately be lower than IM
This really clears things up for me! Thank you, now here is to hoping I respond well to GH