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Just a little gear porn

IML Gear Cream!
Lmao okkkkkk bro. Maybe u would like to take a look at some training vids? Jus because I'm leaner then ull ever be doesn't mean u gotta be a little ginger bitch. By all means show me your success
I'm shooting for same bf that's in that pic plus about 15lbs Lbm and ill be happy for a little while. Can never be big enough. I never said I was huge or jacked but I'm happy with where I'm at compared to where I was. If anyone doesn't like it they can blow me. It's my body not theres :kissu:
Does the Tren keep you from puffing up on the drol?
Never done drol with tren.
I've stayed away from drol due to the water retention. I retain less water on dbol.

My first experience with drol was after my first round of chemo. 50mg/day for 8 weeks to boost red cell production.
Hit the gym as much as I could to get the most out of a $1500 prescription...added 600mg/wk test e.
Puffed up like I had PMS.

from what ive read, the fatter you are, the puffier drol will make you look.. if you are lean then it will make you look incredible, much like halotestin

have you reached tenthousand mgs a week yet to manage being only slightly stronger than guys that are not on?
IML Gear Cream!
kid aint huge but fact is most women prefer something like that...def not a bear like me or the like

Chicks n gay men definately dig that look :thumb:

I find front on shots don't give a good representation of overall size. Can't really evaluate thickness, unless you're a monster.

Sent from my jewPhone :daydream:
oh no, oh my god, not the internet police?????!!!!! haha, if you'd half my success you'd be happy ya mug

Negged for talking shit with no pics
if thats you in the avi, you need alot more diet and less gear. and you will have a tough time recovering from a deca/tren combo.

I think dliftdoc is out of his fucking mind with this comment. Bro, you look fantastic in that pic. Takes a lot of dedication to your diet to get that midsection and single digit bf so your comment is way off base.

Now, as far as my boy's response.... there is no fucken way your staying that ripped and eating that much food daily. Without the macros for the last shake, your taking in 425g P, 368g Carbs, 140g Fat and just under 5500 calories per day. At 215lbs, that multiplying your body weight times over 25 for a caloric intake which most people run a cut between 10-13, maintenance at 12-14 and a bulk at 15-18. Either you have the greatest metabolism in the world and for that I am very jealous, or this is just a bit exaggerated.
That's what I aim to eat everyday. Not saying it happens but that's what I'm aiming for My maintenance is around 4000 so ya bulking at 5000-5500 is a little high but Im looking for size right now. Injured my shoulder and dropped 20 lbs from not being able to life so being cut isn't important to me right now just shooting for mass. Ill cut if I feel like it later. It's very easy for me to drop body fat.
In my avi I was on a deficit and a decent amount of tren plus cardio
That's what I was figuring. You made it sound like your eating that and staying in single digit bf which I cant believe. I'm just under 260lbs currently sitting at about 14% and those numbers would be dropping BF and weight on someone my size like nobody's business.

Still think you looked great in your avi and as I said, takes a lot of dedication to your diet to get to single digit bf and have a midsection like that. Or a lot of crack!!!
Alright guys more gear porn... I'd post Orals but they are all non sponsor
I believe you can post non sponsor gear as long as you don't talk about the source, lab names etc. are fine I believe :coffee:
in the first pic looks about half empty did it come that way or you all ready used that much?i have allways wanted to try at out but damn there really really high and its ugl suppose to be good ugl but still priced higher than hg.
Vials are actually taller then most that's why it looks like it does. All the ones I got were filled indentical. And stay tuned for a contest bro. If u wanna try it out I'm goin to try to get a contest together. Also ill be using it in my cycle so it will be in my log and even if I am a rep ill give an honest review. Shipping was nice and secure and the vials look very professional but so far that's all I can tell ya lol
i will keep a eye out for the contest would love to try some of there stuff.dont know why i just feel like they would have potent stuff.i do research then go with my gut feeling i have not ever goten rip off or even underdosed gear ever from like 10 diff ugl i have used.and never goten anything bad from rc company.so eithier i am lucky or 20 years in the game helps.but they do need to work on geting those prices douwn a little and they would sale a lot lot more.