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Lab test results I need some input


Jun 7, 2014
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IML Gear Cream!
Okay I was running a 14 week cycle
and did bloodwork 7 days after last pin
12 weeks deca decoanate 400 mgs a weeks
14 weeks test E 750 mgs a week
i ran DBOL at the last 6 weeks of my cycle at 50 mgs a day
a lil under dosed I think LOL
I'm just wondering if I drew blood at the wrong time or is this gear just plain bunk?


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Where are the other results?
What was your PCT protocol?
Why D-Bol at the end of a cycle?
Blood test results are the most effective way used by doctor in evaluating patient?s health status. They are performed in laboratory and almost remain painless. Remember the results of blood test are always best interpreted by a doctor or lab technician. The result plays an important role in an overall diagnosis. Thus, I will suggest you to ask your doubt to qualified doctor instead believing anyone.
Bigger question What brand of anabolics???
Blood test results are the most effective way used by doctor in evaluating patient?s health status. They are performed in laboratory and almost remain painless. Remember the results of blood test are always best interpreted by a doctor or lab technician. The result plays an important role in an overall diagnosis. Thus, I will suggest you to ask your doubt to qualified doctor instead believing anyone.


To OP, yeah dude, that seems like a low count for the doses you were running.... Bump for brand info....
Very easily could have been fake/underdosed m'thinks. 750mgs / week, even given an extra half-life or two shoulda pegged you past 1100.

Generally speaking, one of my favorite ways to tell if it's "fake" or not is to order TNE with your first order. TNE/Suspension has a VERY unique taste/smell whenever you stick it... once you experience it, you'll always know if it's real stuff. After a while I start to crave it even LOL.

Longer esters like Enanthate and such don't have the same property, so if you're force to see if it's legit you need to oftentimes freeze the bottle. Just drop it in the freezer for about an hour and when you pull it out, it should have crystals in it. That is where the hormone separates from the oils and such.

But of course, getting just your total test doesn't tell the whole story. There's a non-zero (but slim) chance it's all aromitized to estrogen or some other conversion is happening. In the future, see if you can get the following numbers as well:
* Free Test
* LH
* Estradiol
* Cholesterol (HDL / LDL). Included with a standard "lipid profile".

If your gear is legit, we'd see it in the above numbers too and be able to isolate "where the gains went".
Just got blood work 3 days after last pin on 780 MG test e. Just a little over what you are running and I was at 4700 total testosterone. Yours is by far under dosed.
IML Gear Cream!
deca makes testosterone show lower
That bizarre theory never been proven.
I must disagree with you, Sir.

Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Just got blood work 3 days after last pin on 780 MG test e. Just a little over what you are running and I was at 4700 total testosterone. Yours is by far under dosed.

That on the other hand is too high for ~ 800mg of Test. Could it be that other compounds had Test in them instead of / in addition to what's stated on the label?
Were you running EQ by any chance? It shows up as Test on some testing methodologies.

Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Just got blood work 3 days after last pin on 780 MG test e. Just a little over what you are running and I was at 4700 total testosterone. Yours is by far under dosed.

Thats about right, maybe a little over. Ive seen lots of guys on this board bragging about their test numbers being 1500 or even 1200, but thats just crap. 3-5k is where most normal cycles should land you.
Okay I was running a 14 week cycle
and did bloodwork 7 days after last pin
12 weeks deca decoanate 400 mgs a weeks
14 weeks test E 750 mgs a week
i ran DBOL at the last 6 weeks of my cycle at 50 mgs a day
a lil under dosed I think LOL
I'm just wondering if I drew blood at the wrong time or is this gear just plain bunk?

Bro which lab did you used?