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Looking for Brewer’s…


Registered User
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Took a long break from brewing, due to my now ex-wife…
Trying to get rolling again, just enough to make my own and satisfy my inner chemistry nerd.
I’m guessing my old go to for basic instructions is down, basskiller… so I was hoping I could get someone to point me in the right direction.
Maybe recipes, favorite/smoothest carrier oils(GS) was all I ever used back when.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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Basskiller's forum and website went dark a couple months back. Sad day.

You can still use the wayback machine to look at snapshots of his website though:

Here's the snapshot from last September and you can navigate it and look around:
Basskiller's forum and website went dark a couple months back. Sad day.

You can still use the wayback machine to look at snapshots of his website though:

Here's the snapshot from last September and you can navigate it and look around:

Thank you!

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