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MD Sniper Shootings

IML Gear Cream!
I heard the count is up to 11 now with the last one in critical condition. :eek:
True, BUT they have 2 men in custody!

Now we ar efinding that there wer emany tarot cards, notes and clues the police kept from the public.....
Thats great!! I hope this is the end then.
I was watching some new show and it was showing people running to there cars and empty school yards.
cnn just reported that there's no evidence linking the 2 men they took into custody to the sniper attacks. so whoever it is - they haven't found them yet.
i have to say, from watching the local news right after the most recent shooting, that it really concerns me that the police are only stopping and looking out for light colored vans!

i was watching the live coverage in which the police were only pulling over white vans while letting all other vehicles fly by without even a single look.

i really hope they can come up with a better plan than that! :no:
no shit how hard is it to steal another vehicle??
SILVER SPRING, Maryland (CNN) -- A bus driver was shot to death Tuesday morning in Montgomery County, Maryland, and the sniper task force was investigating whether the killing was connected to the attacks that have left nine dead and three wounded in the Washington area.

Yes, I was 3 HOURS late for work this AM because of the dragnet. I hope they catch this guy soon:(
IML Gear Cream!
Now this guy says "your children are not safe".

What do you think should be done to this guy if they catch him red handed?

What do you think they will do?

I think if they catch him red handed, i.e. weapon in hand with smoking barrel, they should set up cameras and let all the victims families take shots at him with the same weapon:evil:

What I think they will do: Probably let him rot in jail while he appeals his case a million times. They'll have some doc/lawyer say he not guilty by reason of insanity. If he gets Johny Cochran he may actually get off.
Originally posted by Tboy
If he gets Johny Cochran he may actually get off.

I was telling my friend this but obviously if the guy is caught or admitting to it then, it would be hard to erase his guilt even with JC in his corner!

I believe that this guy, if and when caught, will most likely take his own life before he gets slammed away
I think they should just shoot him on sight if caught red handed, no trial, no waisted money.
I see the sniper wants $10 million to stopp the shooting, I think they should pay it, if anything just to buy some time to catch the guy.

What do you think?
Pay him? Then other people will get the same idea. Besides, doe sthis guiy really think we wont TRACK the money? :doh:
Your probably right, he's no dummy that's for sure, Crazy SOB yes, dummy no.

But if it meant that maybe, say your boyfriend or someone you know wouldn't be the next viction, wouldn't it make sence to pay it and buy a little time.
I really doubt that he'll ever get away, even if he stops now.
I don't agree with paying this idiot off for any reason. I really don't think that he would stop shooting even with the money. I wonder what the nationality of this guy is? There has really been no talk of this being a terrorist act (Al-Quida, or others) yet but it is probaably worth considering. I'm sure that these groups could use 10 million.

I hate what is going on and only wish that they kill this bastard soon. I just hope that if he has ties with some of the terror groups they get what information they need and then go head hunting. I'll gladly help out in any way that I can to rid us of these evil people.
I'm sure you guys know this by now... but, they may have caught him/them. They found a rifle in the car with the 2 suspects. The man had his 17yr old stepson with him.

I wonder if he thought that they were "bonding" on these shoot outs? Kinda like taking your kid hunting eh? If this guy is the sniper, that's pretty sick.:(
Originally posted by Tboy

Kinda like taking your kid hunting eh? :(

No, It's not!!
MONTGOMERY, Alabama (CNN) -- Alabama police will seek the death penalty against suspected snipers John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo in connection with the killing of a woman in Montgomery, Police Chief John Wilson said Friday.

No surprise there. :clap:
I think they should set them free and let the locals do as the please with them.
I would like to see them die a slow and painful death. In this situation its unfortunate that we protect people from cruel and unusual punishment.
They are now trying to link this guy to 3 murder/rapes in the Baton Rouge area. That's were I live. Its crazy to think that he has ties here. He used to live here...
that would be too easy for him... to be killed. I say let him suffer for the rest of his life in prison!!!
Burry them so only their head is out of the ground and have the victims families throw rocks at them.