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Tmag - 3/8" on Your Arms in 24 Hours

IML Gear Cream!
Thanx Scotty :D Well, I have to go now, my lunch break is just about up and I have a schedule to keep:( damnit :bawling:
well, an hour and a half left in the gym. This is unreal, my buddies came in to see me and laughed cause I can't even stand without shaking. I'm a little worried about how I'm going to hold up for the last set which has every exercise twice without rests. :shake: Should be funny to watch though:p
I am beat to shit but I made it :D Damn that was hard, my arms were giving out on me and I had to take little breaks to finish off sets but it's done.

Have to give myself a slap upside the head though, I didn't really pay attention to how manys sets there were for each exercise and before lunch I was doing 3 sets for each instead of 2, as if the damn thing wasn't hard enough:lol:
Awesome dude, :thumb: :thumb:
Originally posted by irontime

Have to give myself a slap upside the head though, I didn't really pay attention to how manys sets there were for each exercise and before lunch I was doing 3 sets for each instead of 2, as if the damn thing wasn't hard enough:lol:

:doh: ...
Can we help with the "slap upside da head"?I'm sure there will be a line up for that!!!
Here I have a number dispenser!!!

:thumb: ok,all kiding aside,RIGHT ON,IT!!!!:thumb:
:D Thanx dvlmn & Dero, very much appreciated :)
But did you remember to measure to see if you gained the 3/8" ????
:doh: He pro'lly forgot... :no:
... and how long would the 3/8" last if you got it.
IML Gear Cream!
:lol: Oh man would that ever suck. :laugh: Won't be able to tell untill I'm done healing. According to this thing after five days are up I should be able to tell. :shrug: Don't know if it counts for when you are relaxed or not, hope not cause I never measured my arms when they were relaxed.

And it's something I'll do again anyways (not for about a year :nope: ) but damn what a feeling when you are done. Most people don't get their ass in the gym to begin with, but to be able to go through that shit and say to yourself ' I made it' wow, it feels great, you guys gotta try this :D