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United states becomes world's number-one oil supplier

IML Gear Cream!
The 2nd greatest story ever sold. If we here in the US simply just held onto our own oil, the U S would have no oil interest in Middle East at all. We could live in peace leaving those damn BC bass ackwards countries alone.

Imagine a country that could have self reliance again. Imagine a country whose political leaders don't lie just to gain control over other regions oil.

Yeah, imagine!... Cause that shit is never going to happen as long as this farce of a political system is in charge.

another post against free market capitalism.
another post against free market capitalism.

You would have a point if oil commodities markets were based only on supply and demand and not on speculator activity.

"Free Market Capitalism is the best path to prosperity"
Just ask prosperous oil market speculative traders who manipulate so called oil commodity free markets to bid up the price of oil above fair market value based on supply and demand.
Due to this speculation American consumers are paying "speculative prices" that inflate the cost of gasoline, oil products.

Author Learsy: Oil Price Is Manipulated by Speculative Traders

The price of oil is rigged," alleges author and former trader Raymond Learsy.

Prices for most other commodities have dropped and there's a bountiful supply, Learsy writes in an article for The Huffington Post. U.S. commercial crude inventories are near all-time highs, domestic oil production is about a million barrels a day higher than it was last year, weekly gasoline inventory is up substantially and Chinese demand is flat or down.

So why has the price of oil increased 9.5 percent in the last month? Because of manipulation by speculative traders, Learsy argues.

You would have a point if oil commodities markets were based only on supply and demand and not on speculator activity.

"Free Market Capitalism is the best path to prosperity"
Just ask prosperous oil market speculative traders who manipulate so called oil commodity free markets to bid up the price of oil above fair market value based on supply and demand.
Due to this speculation American consumers are paying "speculative prices" that inflate the cost of gasoline, oil products.

Author Learsy: Oil Price Is Manipulated by Speculative Traders

The price of oil is rigged," alleges author and former trader Raymond Learsy.

Prices for most other commodities have dropped and there's a bountiful supply, Learsy writes in an article for The Huffington Post. U.S. commercial crude inventories are near all-time highs, domestic oil production is about a million barrels a day higher than it was last year, weekly gasoline inventory is up substantially and Chinese demand is flat or down.

So why has the price of oil increased 9.5 percent in the last month? Because of manipulation by speculative traders, Learsy argues.

we haven't had free market capitalism in over a 100 years, probably even longer than that. . debunking the current state of affairs is fine with me because it's not free market capitalism.