Epithalon is currently being studied and researched by Scientists and Doctors specializing in the field of anti-aging care and medicine. EPITHALON (Epitalon) is one of the most important breakthroughs in the study of anti-aging.
Epithalon (Epitalon) Molecular Biology and Genetics
The Epithalon (Epitalon) tetrapeptide has been discovered by researchers in Russia. This was seen to reactivate the production of cell telomerase thus slowing down the aging process and rejuvenating the entire body. The development of molecular biology required bio-chemical studies that were nothing short of profound. Scientific work by Gobind Khorana and Marshall Nirenberg for many years resulted in defining codons or nucleotides and triplets and the genetic code of each of the 20 amino acids. This resulted in a Nobel Prize award in 1968 with Robert Holley. Nucleic acid investigations and identification of DNA and RNA base sequences were also conducted by the 1980 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry Frederick Sanger along with Walter Gilbert and Paul Berg. These studies revealed the cause of aging.
Of All the biopeptides, ephithalamine is the most widely studied. The pineal gland secretes ephithalamine and is also responsible for melatonin production. One epithalamine version which is synthesized is called Epitalon(Epithalon) which is the same synthesized biopeptide from for tetrapeptides which are gero-protective amino acids.
25% Lifespan Increase in Rats
Professor Vladimir Dilman and Dr. Ward Dean had co-authored a paper where it was noted by Dilman that in rats, the epithalamine biopeptide increased the lifespan by twenty-five per cent. The paper was entitled The Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease. These Epithalon (Epitalon) studies were later confirmed by Russian Academy Sciences in Moscow Professor Vladimir Khavinson.
Senile and Elderly Individuals
The research done by Professor Khavinson was done on senile and elderly individuals that indicated mortality was reduced by almost half when biopeptides were administered. As a whole, physiological function was improved as well. This occurred in fifteen years of observation that was clinical. Studies later revealed that a biopeptide was formed when peptide bonding connected several amino acids. These peptides are bio-regulators that are natural and which stimulate both brain activity and cell division as well as helping in cell division perpetuation. Tumor reduction was even stimulated by the process. Life expectancy was then the potential result when cellular epigenetic function was controlled by DNA interacting with biopeptides. This was demonstrated by Professor Khavinson in his research. The conclusion was that biopeptides could impact the earliest development stages of life and can have far reaching age reversal and inhibition implications.
The Discovery of Telomerase
In the year nineteen ninety-nine, Nobel Prize Laureate Elisabeth Blackburn discovered telomerase, which is the enzyme that activates telomeres. These rebuilt telomeres’ ends after every cell division to the length they had originally, and as a result halted the biological clock that is built into every human body. It was Professor Vladimir Khavinson and his scientist associates that tested and patented the peptide in the last fifteen years and reserved the findings to people of privilege until recently. As each year goes by, telomerase is generated less and less, and without being restored, it then becomes shorter.
Cellular Regeneration
This peptide was discovered that causes telomerase production reactivation in the cells, which allows telomerase to become repaired. This results in the body’s rejuvenation down to the cellular level of your genes. The effects of pineal gland secretion are simulated by this simple tetrapeptide, thus activating the telomerase production in cells.
Double Stranded DNA
Within each cell’s nucleus, DNA that is double stranded resides. This determines each organism on earth’s unique genetic make-up. Each time cell division occurs, there is a shortening of chromosomes. Found at each DNA strand is telomeres. These prevent genetic information loss due to shortening of chromosomes. Unfortunately, there is a shortening of telomeres each time a cell divides. The more frequently there is a division of a cell, the shorter the telomeres becomes until it becomes a senescent cell. Many studies have indicated that there are many diseases related to age including infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases that are linked closely to the progressive shortening of telomere.
Predictive of Mortality
In elderly subjects, there have been established links between the shortening of a telomere and early mortality. This is how telomeres are considered synonymous to a human being’s biological clock. As these shorten progressively through continuous division of cells, they signal the onset of aging and death, ultimately. It the production of telomeres can be stimulated, cells in the body would not have a limit of time and would then continuously renew and replicate, slowing down the aging effects as a result.
This breakthrough power is amazing and lies in telomeres, which is a genetic structure. This is the element that controls cell aging. More specifically, DNA strings’ protective ends are called telomeres. As a matter of fact, your DNA’s protection comes from telomeres and when these become shortened, there is no possibility of the cells multiplying any longer. Considered to be responsible for our biological clock, each time there is cell division, there is a replication of DNA. The telomeres then become very short as this occurs until the cell stops its division and dies. The end result is that the entire physical body stops in its regeneration until it eventually meets its demise.
The Aging Process and Life Extension
The good news is that science has discovered molecules that activate the telomeres regeneration, allowing them to keep duplicated and remain long. This repairs DNA that has been damaged and rebuilds your body once more, reconstructing every organ to the state they had originally.
EPITHALON (Epitalon) Effect on Life Span
Research studies prove that telomere lengths actually increase after the administration of the Epithalon (Epitalon) peptide on research subjects. After twelve years of Epithalon (Epitalon) peptide administration, the studies done by scientists proved a thirty to fifty per cent life span increase compared to those that did not receive EPITHALON (Epitalon). This translates to about seven extra years of excellent health and living. Clinical studies only lasted for twelve years and this produced seven extra years.
Cellular Rejuvenation
Cells that have been rejuvenated are also the key to an immune system which is efficient. Because of this, the body gets protection from many diseases with Epitalon. This peptide is made of four amino acids, the effects and benefits have been proven to be real.