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Worst food ever

IML Gear Cream!
JimDugba said:
Boiled Butt Grease

its actually not bad when used to cover dick cheese and crackers
turnips are pretty gross
Vieope said:
What is the food with the worst taste ever in your opinion? :confused:

your moms ass
fromunda cheese lol
IML Gear Cream!
Vieope said:
What is the food with the worst taste ever in your opinion? :confused:
Beets. I had to eat them for breakfast if I didnt eat my breakfast. Fucking torture.

And tuna out of the can.
Beets are bad, I've always hated mayo. The worst food for you I read somewhere is french fries with cheese and bacon and ranch dressing. I made that for me when I was a youngin all the time, no wonder i was so fat.
Cottage cheese!! I cant get that shit down unless i add peanut butter ,bananas and splenda. Everything else i love :D
definitely, canned tuna.
Henry's Soy protein. Its like swallowing peas the lumps are so big. The Vanilla tastes like Pigeon shit
ForemanRules said:
Tuna fish out of a can..................I gag just at the smell of it.

no way....
i buy like 20 cans of this stuff everytime i visit the grocery store.
its the BEST. grrrr. :mad:
although the smell i can do w/o.
albacore is even BETTER!!!!
IML Gear Cream!
whats wrong with it to you?
its like a higher quality tuna to me.
although more mercury.
but i don't care. =)
I prefer the darker tuna, Albacore has a 'particular stench' which I hate......... :p
Best tuna , is fresh tuna steaks :thumb:

What's this??????????????? :hmmm:
I do like tuna fish and I can deal with the smell but what I do hate is that it stays on your hand and breath.......that's sticky stincky.
Ah this is an easy question. To give you an idea, on the TV show "Bizarre Foods", the baldy one travels all over Asia and finally meets his match. He tried various bugs, half-developed chicks, every animal organ including eyeballs, pretty much everything.

"I can't believe of all the things I've eaten, I'm defeated by a fruit"

My wife, who's Malaysian (where I live) likes the things and often tries to convince me they're nice.


It is THE worse food, let alone fruit, ever.

It's a fecking great big thing the size of a melon or so, sorta oblong, covered in vicious spikes. If you're dumb enough to get through the spikes and cut it open, there are lots of sacks filled with some pus-like substance that smells like shit.

I don't mean nasty, or horrid, or not nice. I mean it smells like shit.

If you've seen the program you'll know Baldy cheerfully munches on boiled bugs, salty fried rat and so on, with a big grin. One taste of durian and he spat it out, swearing on camera.

These things are banned on commercial aircraft, in hotels etc. The locals consider them the "king of fruits" but then everything they eat is spicey, they have no taste buds or sense of smell left from the age of about 4. Here's a guy that likes them:

Durian, Bangkok (Thailand) varieties, effect on health and youth - durian.net after the site facelift

Living on the island of Borneo (Malaysian bit) I've eaten some weird stuff, but no, I will. not. eat. durian.

I would rather eat my own shit, as it smells better.

Ah this is an easy question. To give you an idea, on the TV show "Bizarre Foods", the baldy one travels all over Asia and finally meets his match. He tried various bugs, half-developed chicks, every animal organ including eyeballs, pretty much everything.

"I can't believe of all the things I've eaten, I'm defeated by a fruit"

My wife, who's Malaysian (where I live) likes the things and often tries to convince me they're nice.


It is THE worse food, let alone fruit, ever.

It's a fecking great big thing the size of a melon or so, sorta oblong, covered in vicious spikes. If you're dumb enough to get through the spikes and cut it open, there are lots of sacks filled with some pus-like substance that smells like shit.

I don't mean nasty, or horrid, or not nice. I mean it smells like shit.

If you've seen the program you'll know Baldy cheerfully munches on boiled bugs, salty fried rat and so on, with a big grin. One taste of durian and he spat it out, swearing on camera.

These things are banned on commercial aircraft, in hotels etc. The locals consider them the "king of fruits" but then everything they eat is spicey, they have no taste buds or sense of smell left from the age of about 4. Here's a guy that likes them:

Durian, Bangkok (Thailand) varieties, effect on health and youth - durian.net after the site facelift

Living on the island of Borneo (Malaysian bit) I've eaten some weird stuff, but no, I will. not. eat. durian.

I would rather eat my own shit, as it smells better.


The smell is even worse when it's left to rot for a while in the streets in most Asian cities. However, I'll take that 100% of the time over some of the other delacasies....


History behind this horrible food