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Recent content by kalibos

  1. K

    ? about filtering

    it was in solution when i got it, i had it for several months before i was going to use it and when i pulled it out of the cabinet there was some sort of spikey looking clear crystal forming in the bottle instead of a powder coming out of solution...i had to heat it forever to get it to disolve...
  2. K

    ? about filtering

    i had some test cyp that fell out of suspension and had to be heated to get it to dissolve back in. i waited a couple days after that for somer filters to arrive so that i could filter it. while i was filtering it, it was very hard to push through and eventually i'm guessing clogged the filter...
  3. K

    sciroxx labels?

    I'm sure its gtg, just wanted confirmation to set my mind at ease
  4. K

    sciroxx labels?

    I dont know about cereal boxes but labels falling of gear bottles is sometimes a sign of a fake...not saying the gear isn't real, i dont know thats why i asked...of course that might only be true on hg stuff...dont know too much about ul prodicts
  5. K

    dbol on off days?

    I've always taken it everyday,just wondering if anyone had different thoughts about it...i've heard of guys only taking it on weekdays before so i was wondering what the deal was with that
  6. K

    dbol on off days?

    For those of you that take dbol as a kicker, do you take it on your off days too or just the days you work out? also what would be a good oral to throw in at the end of a 12wk dbol/test/deca bulking cycle and when should i start it?
  7. K

    sciroxx labels?

  8. K

    sciroxx labels?

    are sciroxx labels easy to come off or are they usually stuck on the bottle pretty good? just wondering because i got a bottle of sciroxx test and the label was falling off of it and wouldn't stick:hmmm:
  9. K

    Ok to store vials in the cold?

    If it were me i'd peel the labels off and replace them with b12 or insulin labels
  10. K

    severe digestion issues, PLease help

    creatine did that to me when i was on the more is better wagon...i was pissing out my ass the whole day
  11. K

    Ok to store vials in the cold?

    didn't know that about landlords, i always thought that you had to be present when they go in...my buddy had a landlord that would go in his apartment when he wasn't there and stuff went missing all the time.
  12. K

    Ok to store vials in the cold?

    just curious but why is you landlord digging through your personal shit?
  13. K

    AI during pct questions

    when using arimidex during a cycle as the AI do you stop taking it before starting pct or run it till the end thoughout the pct? i've searched through the threads and some say to stop before pct and some say to continue it till the end so which is it?
  14. K

    Color of Test E?

  15. K

    bovine GH

    that may be true but it was pretty interesting to see that the bgh worked just the same as hgh. i wish i had gotten before and after pics. he was 55 and had lupus but about a month after being on the bgh, he had color back in his skin, was gaining some muscle and his skin just looked in better...