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Ok to store vials in the cold?


Jan 16, 2011
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IML Gear Cream!
For security reasons(damn nosy landlord!) i'm looking for new places to hide gear. Im considering my attic. It would be in a completely sterile environment, but temps would dip into the high 40s at night, and up to 60 during the day. Would it be ok to store test e and deca in this weather?
i keep all my gear in my closet in the pockets of a large coat. some cheap gear crash at those temp.
Problem with a attic is that the changing temps can fuck up the gear. CAN, doesn't mean it will.

There are a ton of places within your house you can hide it. There is a good thread on this here on IM.
You also don't wanna be trying to draw and pin molasses.
Room temp is optimal
Problem with a attic is that the changing temps can fuck up the gear. CAN, doesn't mean it will.

There are a ton of places within your house you can hide it. There is a good thread on this here on IM.

do you have the link?
Most inserts on prescription test warns about storing it in cool or cold places. The base will come out of solution and become cloudy. You can re-heat it and get it back in solution, but the longer it is out the harder it will be to get it back usable.
What about when suppliers ship this time of year...it was -5 with wind chill last week...my mailbox isn't heated...is my gear...if I ordered gear...gonna be ruined for traveling through the ice cold postal service?
Ideally you want to keep your gear at one temperature.
Just buy a cheap ass lock box or something.
Anal storage...landlord shouldn't find it there...or will he?
on the bottom of ur box spring you can cut a slit and store gear up inside ur box spring ;)

or if you have big stereo speakers u can unscrew one and then you slip shit inside the box and screw it back in....

had to hide shit in college ;)
What about when suppliers ship this time of year...it was -5 with wind chill last week...my mailbox isn't heated...is my gear...if I ordered gear...gonna be ruined for traveling through the ice cold postal service?

I had some test 500 get a little waxy looking in the cold but I held it in front of my truck heat vent for a minute and it turned crystal clear and stayed that way.
on the bottom of ur box spring you can cut a slit and store gear up inside ur box spring ;)

or if you have big stereo speakers u can unscrew one and then you slip shit inside the box and screw it back in....

had to hide shit in college ;)

It would be funny if your family has a garage sale and sells your old stereo while you're at the gym. You get home and you say: NOOOOOOOO! :wits: lol
Get a stash can, they look like coke pepsi shaving cream cooking spray, whatever.
Can of coffee (beans or ground) bag the gearz stash em under the coffee.
Have a decorative... anything?
Drop ceiling tiles?

There's millions of things you can do

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No matter what you do, keep out of reach of children(and mentally retarded adults):thumb:
just curious but why is you landlord digging through your personal shit?
Landlords can search the area you live anytime they want. He may be just watching his own ass.
Landlords can search the area you live anytime they want. He may be just watching his own ass.

didn't know that about landlords, i always thought that you had to be present when they go in...my buddy had a landlord that would go in his apartment when he wasn't there and stuff went missing all the time.
Good post- good question. Makes me think about temp. fluctuations because I travel between hot and very cold climates on long flights. I check my bags at the airport that have my gear. I always bury my gear in the middle wrapped in socks and stuff. But still makes me wonder now if the temp. fluc. could be reducing the quality even just a little.

Any global travelers out there having any issues?
If it were me i'd peel the labels off and replace them with b12 or insulin labels
I have a script for test cyp and I have had my vials from the pharmacy crash 2 times just sitting out in the house when it was kinda cold. I dont live in Alaska either.
Keep it in a dark place but not excessively cold.