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severe digestion issues, PLease help


Oct 5, 2010
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IML Gear Cream!
hey guys im in week 5 of my cycle which is below. i am having severe diarehha, literally shitting out water after every meal, i am unable to digest anything. i am keeping water intake up (1 gallon +) and i am still eating the food 3500 cals (thank god no stomache aches, just shitting water after each meal). its been 2 days i was hoping it was a 24 hr thing.

has n e 1 had a similar experience? anything think its gear related or perhaps i juss ate sumtn and im gna go thru this for a lil? the gear im using is abu raihan and normas so i mean i dont think i got n e thing from the test. its just really gay because i got the test flu in week 3 and my workouts suffered because of it, and now i have this issue. any ideas, feedback and help is appreciated.

1-4- dbol 30mg/ED
1-12 -test E 500mg/wk injected bi wkeely Mon and THurs
1-12- .25 adex EOD
Oh man I hear ya...

I had surgery last year and had my jaw wired shut for a few months - at fist I couldn't even use a straw - only a syringe.

Anyway I was not on gear at the time - mostly whey protein (good quality EAS) and liquids ... Everything was fine - then I had the same thing for at least three weeks straight - I felt great and even when I shifted to solid food I had the same problem.

I was eating imodium like candy - nothing helped but it eventually went away?

I would google your symptoms and you'll find things that it might be - I don't think its the gear but who knows?

Good luck man - I hope you feel better!!!
creatine did that to me when i was on the more is better wagon...i was pissing out my ass the whole day
if ur on a new pretien shake this can happen....

are you???

and drinking half drank water bottles 24/48hrs later can cause the runs....

see if it lasts another day.... if so see a dr bro.
Yeah i think it's just your diet getting used to the protein.
Yeah i think it's just your diet getting used to the protein.

x2. I pissed out of my asshole many times ED when my protein intake went up significantly. Body adjusted after a week or so and been gtg ever since.
x2. I pissed out of my asshole many times ED when my protein intake went up significantly. Body adjusted after a week or so and been gtg ever since.

Agreed, it is the protein. I bought a box of protein shots once, drank 4 in 3 hours and had explosive runs like you couldn't imagine. I literally shit my pants while driving home from work. Your body is getting way too much whey protein and is getting rid of the excess. Drink lots of water and make sure you only use whey shakes or supps after a workout or between meals. Meals should be bigger than your shakes.
I would get like that when I would start a keto diet. 2 multi-vitamins a day helped tons...
IML Gear Cream!
Dbol has definitely given me the runs. I would piss out the ass a couple times a day when I ran it. I would drop the Dbol and see how you feel...
If you started taking a lot of fish oil recently, you could be having stomach problems from that. Thathappened to me when I started taking fish oil for my joints.
ive always eaten 250-300 grams of protein. my diet has always been high in protein to maintain. it cannot be the protein.

thank you all for the replies tho
ive always eaten 250-300 grams of protein. my diet has always been high in protein to maintain. it cannot be the protein.

thank you all for the replies tho

Have you tried increasing soluble fiber? Psyllium husk works wonders. Also, maybe something is weakening your immune system. Are you taking an AI?
If you started taking a lot of fish oil recently, you could be having stomach problems from that. Thathappened to me when I started taking fish oil for my joints.

I think this might ba an individual thing with fish oil - Ive been taking eight 1200 mgs a day for years and not seen any bad sides from the fish oils.

It's a natural supplement that I can actually feel the difference taking.

Except prior to surgery you should not take a high dose - if at all because it's a blood thinner.
i dno ill give it another couple of days n c what happens. yes i am taking an AI, adex @ .25 EOD
Maybe you just had some shitty food.

Try some proviron.
Stuff make me constipated.
Better than diarrhea
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