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dbol on off days?


Jan 6, 2011
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IML Gear Cream!
For those of you that take dbol as a kicker, do you take it on your off days too or just the days you work out?
also what would be a good oral to throw in at the end of a 12wk dbol/test/deca bulking cycle and when should i start it?
8 hour half life. Take it everyday preferably every 8-12 hrs
d-bol promotes protein synthesis and supports the build-up of protein. to me, that's just as important on off days when you are recovering.
Yes. Bad question.
D-bol as a kicker does not refer to a preworkout boost, but to kick off a cycle of long ester compounds. So yes, you need to take it EVERYDAY.
4-4.5 hour half life bro.

oops I was way off. lol Everything ive ever read was between 6 and 8 hours.
IML Gear Cream!
Noob. lol
I've always taken it everyday,just wondering if anyone had different thoughts about it...i've heard of guys only taking it on weekdays before so i was wondering what the deal was with that
For those of you that take dbol as a kicker, do you take it on your off days too or just the days you work out?
also what would be a good oral to throw in at the end of a 12wk dbol/test/deca bulking cycle and when should i start it?
It is not a very good idea to throw in another oral that is 17 alpha alkylated at the end because your liver wouldn't have too much time after the dbol to recover. I would use Primotabs which are very expensive, you could throw in proviron at the end to harden up and help potentiate test while eliminating estro, or if you want to use something that is 17 AA I would go with anavar. Anavar is an oral that is 17AA but least likely to cause too much liver toxicity. It is supposed to be milder on the liver compared to the other 17AA steroids. It is also excellent to add at the end of a cycle to increase strength and harden up (solidify gains). I am currently using it to finish off my test cyp cycle. I would run as so if you are running a ten week cycle this is the way I set my cycle up Test cyp. wks 1-10 , anavar wks 8-12 then PCT. For a 12 wk cycle I would run var weeks 9-13 , end test at week 12 . I moved them back a week because this is a long cycle.
You probably were reading active life of dbol.

yes. Thats exactly what Ive done. Some chemical breakdowns show the active life and some the half life. Was wondering why the numbers always varied between info sources... My mistake.

Either way it dosent matter much. Everyone takes it 2-3 times a day anyways.
yes. Thats exactly what Ive done. Some chemical breakdowns show the active life and some the half life. Was wondering why the numbers always varied between info sources... My mistake.

Either way it dosent matter much. Everyone takes it 2-3 times a day anyways.

Twice a day is fine. Most take it every 12 hours.
IML Gear Cream!
I've noticed no difference in taking it 2x daily compared to 4x daily. It's a little easier just to take one before I work out, then one after dinner.
I've noticed no difference in taking it 2x daily compared to 4x daily. It's a little easier just to take one before I work out, then one after dinner.

I agree. Morning and evening works well for me.