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Fu Fu's l337 journal

IML Gear Cream!
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3,0,1)
6x2 w/ 260 lbs PR (felt really in the groove, smooth reps. more in the tank. stick with 6x2 with 5 more lbs next week, focus on touching in right spot on the chest and pressing towards the head when off the chest)

incline DB bench press -
2x12 w/ x2 85 lbs PR (do 2x10 next week)

unilateral low cable row -
3x10 each side #130 PR

OHEE single arm cable -
1x10 each #70
1x8 each #70 (do 2x8 next week #5 more

DB preacher curl -
2x8 w/ x2 40 lbs (this is the last time I'll do these this session)

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (MG, chalk, NO belt)
3x5 w/ 475 lbs all-time heaviest beltless PR (felt super solid. had more in the tank and another set for sure, but I wanted to limit fatigue for the rest of this workout. also realizing I deadlift twice a week (wide stance snatch grip DL on squat day), so no need to accumulate all my deadlift volume on 1 day. start wearing belt next week and stick to 3x5.

tempo back squat - (belt 5th notch, no knee sleeves)
3x6 w/ 305 lbs (sets got progressively easier, which seems to be the case with these. kept warm up sets low (3ish reps when past the bar). these felt really locked in. start wearing knee sleeves next session)

pause RDL -
3x6 w/ 305 lbs (a lot more in the tank)

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
1x5,4,5,4,5 250 lbs PR (technique is what caused those sets of 4 (failed on the 5th on both). On set 2, I fell significantly out of the groove on rep 4 touching too low (after nailing the groove on the 3 previous reps). the rough 4th rep caused me to lose tension and positioning and it fatigued me bc it was a slower rep. on set 4, I think I rushed myself and the bar kind of wobbled on my chest. I think if I took rep 5 slower near the bottom of the descent and paused just a bit longer, I would have rep 5. On 5th set, rep 5 went out without a grind. Regardless, I still nailed 3x5, which is a rep PR with 1 second pauses at this weight. When I hit the groove, the weight moves pretty effortlessly. next session go for 5x4 with 255 lbs)

pec deck -
2x12 #160 PR

unilateral DB row -
3x7 each side w/ 165 lbs PR (next week do 3x6 w/ 170 lbs)

cable pushdown unilateral -
1x10 each #75
1x8 each #75

cutting out direct bicep work for rest of phase

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility
hip mobility

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

back squat - (M knee sleeves, belt 5th notch)
5x5 w/ 345 lbs (volume PR, a lot left in the tank, fast smooth reps, in the groove, focused lifting, not much psyching up. stick to 5x5 next week)

plate-loaded leg press -
2x10 w/ x4 45 lbs + 5 lbs each side PR (discontinue these for rest of the phase)

wide stance snatch grip deadlift -
3x5 w/ 385 lbs (matched current PR) (continue with 3x5 next week)

roll outs from knees -
3x10 BW

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3,0,0)
6x2 w/ 265 lbs PR (these felt really solid. no real psyching up. pretty calm and focused. 2nd reps on most sets were grinders of sorts, but still very confident reps. last set was clearly the best set due to being more mentally and physically. go for 5x2 next session, progress by 5 lbs)

incline DB bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 90 lbs PR (go for 2x10 again next session)

unilateral cable row -
3x10 each side #140 PR

unilateral OHEE cable -
2x8 each #75 (go for 2x7 next week)

hip mobility
shoulder mobility
t-spine mobility

Awesome session.
BW = 209.4 this morning. I've been intentionally eating more to put on muscle. I'm definitely putting on some muscle mass, and I'm feeling the strength gains.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (belt 5th notch, chalk, MG)
3x5 w/ 485 lbs (cruising, more in the tank, no big pre-set psych ups. felt pretty calm and focused today. first time having belt on in like 5-6 weeks, and usually I don't quite feel 100% effective with the belt-on technique until 2-3 or so sessions with it. next session stick to 3 sets, first two of 5 reps, and rep PR attempt on last set.)

tempo back squat - (belt 5th notch, M knee sleeves)
3x6 w/ 315 lbs PR (first time wearing knee sleeves on this. wow, these went up pretty fast, especially the last set. A few of the reps on the last set felt as fast as any reps since I started doing tempo squats about 5-6 weeks ago. these felt so locked in. I really like how I can find the sweet spot in the hole on these. tempo squats have been one of the best squat assistance movements I've used ever. 3x5 next week)

pause RDL - (1 second pause, straps, no belt as usual)
3x6 w/ 315 lbs PR (smooth, snappy, a lot left in the tank)

Awesome session. Hit everything well today while staying calm and focused.
Yesterday -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
5x4 w/ 255 lbs PR (these felt super solid and in the groove, no major psyching up. continue with sets of 4 next session)

pec deck -
2x10 #175 PR (tough! cut these out for rest of phase)

unilateral DB row -
3x6 each side w/ 170 lbs PR (aim for 3x4 with 175 lbs next week, if that'll fit on the adjust DB handle. could use 35 lb plates instead

unilateral cable push down -
2x8 each #80

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

back squat -
5x5 w/ 355 lbs (big volume PR last volume PR with this weight was 6x3. No major psyching up. More in the tank)

wide stance snatch grip deadlift -
3x5 w/ 395 lbs PR (tough, but felt totally fine on my body after each set, just overall fatigue)

roll outs from knees -
3x11 BW

shoulder mobility
t-spine mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3 second,0,0)
5x2 w/ 270 lbs PR (wow these felt in the groove and confident, without much psyching up (especially on first 3 sets). I had some grinders on the 2nd reps of some sets, but I felt really confident pushing through and being patient. Really solid 3 seconds too. Some of the most consistent eccentric and barpath since I started doing these. next session continue with sets of 2)

incline DB bench press -
1x10 w/ x2 95 lbs PR (cut these out from here on out)

unilateral cable row -
3x8 each side #150 PR continue with 3x8 next session

unilateral cable OHEE -
2x7 each side #80 (do 3x6 next session)

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session. Body feels great. Technique feels great. Confident reps today. Volume is decreasing as intensity is continuing to go up.
IML Gear Cream!
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (belt 5th notch, chalk, MG)
2x4 w/ 495 lbs (smooth, easy)
1x7 w/ 495 lbs PR (for a new 7RM, went very smooth. reps looked fast when watching recording. definitely had a good amount left in the tank. didn't feel destroyed after this either, which is nice)

tempo squat - (3 seconds, 0, 0)
3x4 w/ 325 lbs PR (cut 2 reps off of what I've been doing, need to cut volume now that intensity is getting up there. these felt relatively easier compared to previous weeks)

pause RDL - (1 second pause at bottom)
3x6 w/ 325 lbs PR

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press (1 second pause)
3x4 w/ 260 lbs PR (in the groove, confident reps, last reps were all grinders to a degree, last set was the best set due to getting moderately psyched up. technique felt really on point)

unilateral DB row -
3x4 each side w/ 175 lbs PR (all time most I've ever rowed)

unilateral cable push down -
2x6 each side #85

hip mobility
shoulder mobility
t-spine mobility

Awesome session.

back squat -
3x5 w/ 365 lbs
1x6 w/ 365 lbs PR (all of these sets felt fantastic, including the PR set, still more in the tank)

snatch grip wide stance deadlift - (straps, no belt)
2x5 w/ 405 lbs PR (pretty tough, but still more in the tank)

roll outs from knees -
2x12 BW

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3 seconds, 0, 0)
5x2 w/ 275 lbs PR (so solid. technique was on point, every rep was confident. super happy with how these went. Felt perhaps easier than last week. Shoulders felt great, no pain or discomfort whatsoever, even when my grip is the widest it's been on benching.)

unilateral cable row -
3x8 each side #160 PR

unilateral cable OHEE -
2x6 each side #85

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (chalk, MG, belt 5th notch)
1x1 405, 455, 495, 545 lbs
1x1 585 lbs PR (20 lb 1RM PR (been ~11 months since my last 1RM attempt in the deadlift). mentally and physically on point. this felt like peak performance. Went up really smoothly and with lots of confidence. This was six 45 lb plates on each side of the barbell, a huge milestone lift for me. so happy about this lift. I had a lot of adrenaline and confidence when setting up to attempt this lift. I find that making big jumps in going for 1RM PR's has worked well for me. In this training block, the heaviest I did before this was 495 lbs last week, and I jumped 90 lbs for this 1RM PR.)

tempo squat - (belt 5th notch, L knee sleeves)
2x4 w/ 335 lbs PR (felt really solid, kept volume low though)

pause RDL - (1 second pause at bottom)
2x6 w/ 335 lbs PR

Awesome, awesome, awesome session. I felt so great before during and after that deadlift PR.
^forgot to log that I did deadlift - 2x3 w/ 505 lbs after the PR set
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
7x3 w/ 265 lbs (felt really confident with 3 reps, but wanted 4 for a PR, but I decided I'll be patient and work up to a PR in a couple more weeks, but I wanted to hit a volume PR, so I did 7 sets).

unilateral low cable row -
3x5 each side #180 PR

unilateral cable push down -
2x5 each #90

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

back squat -
3x5 w/ 375 lbs PR (really solid, and no major psyching up. very focused, calm approach today. Felt really in the groove.)

roll outs from knees -
2x13 BW

Short and sweet. Felt great today, despite being sleep deprived last night.
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3 second, 0, 0)
3x2 w/ 280 lbs PR (on new equipment, and spotter was a bit chatty. wasn't as focused as I could have been. No psyching up for any of these either. rep 2 of set 1 got out of the groove a lot, but it went up. sets 2 and 3 felt really solid. went for a 4th set but failed my 2nd rep. still, an all-time PR in the 3 second tempo bench, which feels great.)

unilateral cable row -
2x8 #170 PR

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Good stuff.
IML Gear Cream!
Today -

warm up

deadlift -
1x2 455, 495, 515
1x2 535 PR

tempo back squat - (3 seconds, 0, 0)
2x3 w/ 345 lbs PR

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility
Today -

warm up

bench press - (touch and go, first time doing these in a few months)
1x1 265, 275, 285
1x1 300 lbs PR (went up very quick, smooth and confident. a lot left in the tank. wow, after doing all that pause and tempo work over the past few months, the touch and go feels super strong. I knew I was gonna go for the 1RM PR when 285 felt really easy.)

unilateral cable row -
3x4 each #190 PR

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

back squat -
2x4 w/ 385 lbs PR (in the groove, confident, moderate psyching up)

roll outs from knees -
2x14 BW

Awesome session. 1 more workout until I take several days off.
Today -

warm up

bench press -
2x14 w/ 195 lbs PR (I was warming up to attempt PR sets of triples, but I've peaked and strength is not there! Went really like to hit an easy rep PR.)

That's it, taking a few days off before I start a new phase of training. Hit all the goals I wanted to this phase. Feeling good.
Damn... I went to bed AT 4:30 AM :laugh: when I go to the gym it's usually in the late afternoon, or at night, so there are plenty of people to ask for a spot... I don't think I could ever go early in the morning.
I love to go early in the morning.
Nice work fufu. Seems like a pr happening every session. Impressive.

Thank you! I had a very successful block of training over the past 10 weeks or so, and towards the last couple weeks of it, my strength was peaking well. I was putting on some weight too, which helped.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (chalk, mixed grip, no belt)
4x6 w/ 435 lbs (felt really solid, fast reps, a lot left in the tank)

tempo back squat - (3 seconds, 0, 0)
3x7 w/ 265 lbs (fucking tough, even though the last reps were snappy. Figuring out the breathing/bracing balance makes it hard, and the bracing fatigue from all those tempo reps is brutal. But I know from my last block of training that these get easier over time.)

pause RDL - (2 second pause at lowest part of the rep) (straps, no belt)
2x5 w/ 265 lbs

Awesome session. No psyching up.
Today -

warm up

tempo bench press - (3 second, 0, 0)
6x4 w/ 215 lbs (sets got easier as they went on for the most part. progress by 10 lbs next week, and progress by 10 lbs each week till I get to 245)

pec deck -
3x10 #100 progress by #15)

hammer strength high row -
4x10 w/ x2 45 each side (add 5 lbs each side next time) (seat height at 5)

preacher machine curl -
2x10 #40 (progress by #7.5 next time)

unilateral cable push down -
2x12 each #55 (progress by #5 next time)

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
^^^deadlift workout on 3/3/2020 was the first day back after a 4 day break from training.