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Help me choose my first "real" Cycle!!!

IML Gear Cream!
Yeah I feel like one haha. You posted my journal that I posted thinking that people here haven't seen it lol. And even in that journal I ask for help saying i don't know it all. And I was doing you a favor posting in here regurgitating info that the vets are tired of. You know how many times people post this same thread. I'd figured I'd pass on what was passes to me. Guess I learned lesson.
An yeah I was 30-40 lbs less than you in the beginning hahaha. Doing german volume training
Yeah I feel like one haha. You posted my journal that I posted thinking that people here haven't seen it lol. And even in that journal I ask for help saying i don't know it all. And I was doing you a favor posting in here regurgitating info that the vets are tired of. You know how many times people post this same thread. I'd figured I'd pass on what was passes to me. Guess I learned lesson.

People assumed I was looking for help, I was just looking for conversation and maybe some feed back on sucess/failures they experienced. People jump the gun a lot...it's human nature I guess.

I'm excited about my first cycle and I've made some decent gains on 1/4th the natural test of most of the guys here, since coming back from ilness...

I have enough gear for 6-7 cycles, I'm in no rush, I consider my cycles super TRT

People assumed I was looking for help, I was just looking for conversation and maybe some feed back on sucess/failures they experienced. People jump the gun a lot...it's human nature I guess.

I'm excited about my first cycle and I've made some decent gains on 1/4th the natural test of most of the guys here, since coming back from ilness...

I have enough gear for 6-7 cycles, I'm in no rush, I consider my cycles super TRT


You really don't understand this.
250mg test e IS a trt dose for alot of people... 500 at least for a cycle bro. You'd basically be putting yourself just above high normal test levels, while shutting yourself down further. If you intend to do trt you should get on 200-250mg a week anyway. I'm telling you you'll be dissapointed with that cycle and the EQ is not going to do much in that time frame. Just run the 500mg test, kickstart with prop @ 100mg EOD and use a-dex. If you want throw in the var but I didn't realize how high your bf was, maybe save that for another cycle. Your diet is gonna be the most important thing though really not what gear you use.
You really don't understand this.

Enlighten me...

Explain to me how 250 test and 400 Eq is much different than 500 test alone???

Be detailed in your explanation
first cycle run your test. If you want to add in D-bol go for it.

Me think ur an idiot for not listening to others,.. you don';t need all the other thngs listed. You will get the same results with just test as you would with eq, tren and everything else.

You will blowup regardless of compounds.
first cycle run your test. If you want to add in D-bol go for it.

Me think ur an idiot for not listening to others,.. you don';t need all the other thngs listed. You will get the same results with just test as you would with eq, tren and everything else.

You will blowup regardless of compounds.

:roflmao: You have got to be joking...

Buddy, you cycle is posted in your sig. You're currently running 4 compounds in this cycle. Your starting lifts, except for bench press is a lower than mine, still inclined DB press in 10lbs more, so that tells me you're doing half reps. (I'm natty producing the test of an 80 year old in the 5th percentile)

Clearly this is not your first cycle since you're running all these compounds. This is what you look like after multiple cycles??? and those are your lifting stats.

Shit maybe AAS doesn't work, I think I'll take up knitting.

BTW, I've seen bigger wheels on a 16 year old girl who was the same bodyfat as you.

Why did you set yourself up like this??? :confused:

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at least my cock is still bigger :clapping:

and I use AAS for their cutting properties... My post is solid advice to help you, then you want to be a jagoff. GICH
at least my cock is still bigger :clapping:

and I use AAS for their cutting properties... My post is solid advice to help you, then you want to be a jagoff. GICH

justhav2p said:
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where\'s your pic at then fatty?


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LOL :roflmao:

Your cock migh be the only thing bigger. Fucking guy has legs smaller than 16 year old girl and he's giving me AAS advice.

You may want to consume food with the 4 compounds you're stacking in your current cycle...it will help.
IML Gear Cream!
and link to your pics?

show me up big guy?

If not, go suck a dick.
250mg test e IS a trt dose for alot of people... 500 at least for a cycle bro. You'd basically be putting yourself just above high normal test levels, while shutting yourself down further. If you intend to do trt you should get on 200-250mg a week anyway. I'm telling you you'll be dissapointed with that cycle and the EQ is not going to do much in that time frame. Just run the 500mg test, kickstart with prop @ 100mg EOD and use a-dex. If you want throw in the var but I didn't realize how high your bf was, maybe save that for another cycle. Your diet is gonna be the most important thing though really not what gear you use.

TRT dose is the whole point man, it will actually be 2X TRT. As for the Eq, the plan is 15 weeks (not 12), I could even extend it a couple weeks if I feel like I'm still making gains and if I feel comfortable with the sides, I can pump it up to 500 or 600 at mid point. Var was never going to be in the Eq cycle and actually I'm leaning towards putting it in with Primo and Test E in a later cut cycle. I want to recover as easily as possible for when I visit the doc this summer. Then I'll look at perminant TRT dose

If over 15-17 weeks I gain 10lbs with no fat...I'll be happy. First cycle, I'm already majorly low in natty test...400-600 eq will do the trick, I don't have to raise test significantly to reach my goal...(300 is not out of the question though)

I've already stated in other posts that I'm a golfer, I'm not looking to put on 20lbs in first cycle, this will make my life miserable this summer...
and link to your pics?

show me up big guy?

If not, go suck a dick.

go curl 20lb :roflmao: Inject first though...

You know, most people would not have the nerve to advise others when their lift are less than many teenage football players and they look like you do...

ah...go to the womens section, just about any of them could show you up...
where does it say I curl 20's in my journal... I curl 35's.

Hope your first cycle goes well and hope when you grow up you change your shithead attitude. GL
where does it say I curl 20's in my journal... I curl 35's.

Hope your first cycle goes well and hope when you grow up you change your shithead attitude. GL

I see you took your journal off your sig...:roflmao:
You know what's funny man you keep comparing your lifts to ours. The difference between me and you is I don't think my lifts are impressive at all. And you keep saying how you "lift more than the average guy even with your test". You seem to think a lot of your self. I am the opposite, girls can lift what I lift. There are 60 year old men at my gym that rep 500 lb squats I feel like I'm nothing and have a lot to learn and long way to go to get to a level of any merit. But good luck with your trt.
You know what's funny man you keep comparing your lifts to ours. The difference between me and you is I don't think my lifts are impressive at all. And you keep saying how you "lift more than the average guy even with your test". You seem to think a lot of your self. I am the opposite, girls can lift what I lift. There are 60 year old men at my gym that rep 500 lb squats I feel like I'm nothing and have a lot to learn and long way to go to get to a level of any merit. But good luck with your trt.

Not even for a second man. I only ever commented that my lifts were bigger than your guy's with nuts not working and no cycles under my belt when you guys offered up advice being newbe's yourself. Then you proceeded to put me down and call me an idiot. That's all. My lift aren't big, but they are bigger than the average dude my size and bigger than yours (natty). I've been an athelete all my life and was very sick up until 9 months ago. I've not been in a gym in years. I have never ever bragged on any thread about my lifts, But I can promise you they here much bigger than yours 5 years ago and 10 years ago when I was 150 lbs ripped, 15.5" bi's and had full nuts...

Don't get caught up in the test is best bullshit. There are a lot of guys on a lot of boards who know their shit and will tell you maintanance test stacked with a second compound like eq or primo is a great way to go...first cycle or not. But I fully expect dude here to call them idiots too, that is their calling in life...

BTW, you did go out of your way to post an xray to prove a point which you volunteered...touche

Peace out!
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Lol your lifts were never more than mine I lifted more than what you posted in high school hahah.
Lol your lifts were never more than mine I lifted more than what you posted in high school hahah.

Here we go again :rolleyes: you may want to go back and review your starting stats big guy, before you cycled...
Yeah maybe you should go back and reread. the weight was a little less but at 10 sets of ten with 60 secs rest and super sets. No matter it's still weak sauce.

But hey maybe your 1 set of 5 reps is a comparison which is also weak sauce
IML Gear Cream!
still waiting for pics to be shown up by Vancouvers thor body....
That's fucking idiotic advice even if you're joking. Dude is asking for help and that's the advice you give him? if you want to troll and joke around, do it in anything goes.

This is good advice.
LOL :roflmao:

Your cock migh be the only thing bigger. Fucking guy has legs smaller than 16 year old girl and he's giving me AAS advice.

You may want to consume food with the 4 compounds you're stacking in your current cycle...it will help.

and link to your pics?

show me up big guy?

If not, go suck a dick.

Keep it clean in here please. We don't want infractions, warnings or bannings.
You're a real fucking dipshit aren't you. You didn't read my post, you chose to pick out the points you wanted. I could not even squat the bar 18 months ago, because of ilness. In May I was squating 105 lbs X 10. By Dec I was back up to 315 X5. Been cutting for 4 weeks and now back down to 265 (natural, no cycles under my belt). What do you think I'm going to be at after a cycle and another year of training, once I'm on TRT.

Karma's a bitch, here's hoping you break another leg...oh I mean good luck with your training!

You can't talk to people like this in this section. Please take it to anything goes. If it continues we'll have to lock this thread.

Guys are trying to help and it seems as if you don't like what they are saying.

You can't talk to people like this in this section. Please take it to anything goes. If it continues we'll have to lock this thread.

Guys are trying to help and it seems as if you don't like what they are saying.


Will do.

Yes a few have offered some standard advice, too many have offered advice I'll take with a grain of salt, given their experience and previous success...cheers!
No I'm a guy with 187 natty test levels Ass Hole and I've been reading a shit load for 2 years. If I can gain 6 clean lbs on 6 weeks dermcrine, clearly I can gain 10 lbs on any of the cycles above.

And who gives a shit what I lift, you did not read the first thread which was aimed at elliminating as many stupid posts as possible. I lift WAY more than the average guy.

My goals are not your goals.

Vibrant knows his shit, but he does not know what my goals is. I still appreciate his feedback though...
If you appreciated ANY of the advice your getting you`d stop being such an asshole and LISTEN.
Listen to me....please....do ALL the gear you have in one day and be done with it, and us.
Admin/mods, Can we vote to ban someone?
Enjoy the negs!!!!!!!!!!
Tons of GREAT info in here.
I'm 6 weeks into my cycle, up 6lbs and 1" off my waist. Pretty well the result I was looking for, but I'm suprised how fast the progress is coming considering the haters on this thread.

New lifting stats

Squat 315 X 7
Bench 200 X 7 (bench will always suck, fucked up shoulders) Inclined DB Press 80's X 7
Deads, 315 X 7
Overhead press 135 X 7 (again, shoulders don't like this much, but better than military)
Bent over BB Row 185 X 7

After this cycle, I'll be doing mainly Oly lifts. I'm not really interested in getting bigger, just leaner and stronger.

For those who are contemplating their first cycle, I don't think there is anything wrong with low dose, as long as it fits your goals...don't buy into the test is best argument (and only at 500mg), if it were, bold would not be one of the top detected AAS found in pro atheletes these day...(specifically in MMA)...
I just saw this thread Van. I am not sure anything I can add will help except good luck Bro!