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Lab Testing Summary-Testosterone E or C results-ongoing updates.


Mar 4, 2011
Reaction score
The Summit
IML Gear Cream!
Testing Protocol-(for labs that only range up to 1,500ng/dl)

Day 1. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 7. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 14. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 21. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Passing results should be about 1,345 ng/dl ± 139 ng/dl.

Testing Protocol
#2-(for labs that range ABOVE 1,500ng/dL)

Day 1. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 7. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 14. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 21. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Passing results should be about 2,370 ng/dl ± 150.

*Please see protocol sticky for detailed protocol procedures.*



Pharmacy grade:

exphys88-US Pharma grade-1068 ng/dl-Pass

UGL (non-prescription):

exphys88-8/12-WP's AP Test-Cyp-1104 ng/dl-Pass

vicious 13-Z's EP Test Enanthate-1411 ng/dl-Pass

Malfeasance-7/12-MLG's Test Enanthate-514 ng/dl-Fail

Intense-9/12-MLG's Test Enanthate=1031 ng/dl-Pass
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Most guys don't want to run 300 mg/week, so we're not seeing that many results unless a sponsor specifically sends out gear to be tested with the protocol.
NOcode should be checking in-he posted his Z results on another board and was gtg-Thanks-OD
Most guys don't want to run 300 mg/week, so we're not seeing that many results unless a sponsor specifically sends out gear to be tested with the protocol.

Will this result in terrible shutdown or gyno or anything else bad, due to 28 days without HCG or ai?

This question if for the non-TRT people, obviously.
Yes, you'll be shut down, but I don't think most guys will have gyno issues.
A couple of years ago I did lab tests on a straight 250mg per week of enanthate. The results were a lot more useful because I tested estradiol and total testosterone from week 1 up to week 8 (6 tests in all). I don't understand why people don't bother testing for estradiol and just guess. It would seem that most people are very concerned about gyno and other side effects of estradiol - so why not test? I regularly test estradiol and adjust AI's to keep it in the optimal range.

BTW, 250mg of enanthate per week elevates my estradiol to over the top of the normal range. 400mg per week of enanthate puts me over double the max of range.
A couple of years ago I did lab tests on a straight 250mg per week of enanthate. The results were a lot more useful because I tested estradiol and total testosterone from week 1 up to week 8 (6 tests in all). I don't understand why people don't bother testing for estradiol and just guess. It would seem that most people are very concerned about gyno and other side effects of estradiol - so why not test? I regularly test estradiol and adjust AI's to keep it in the optimal range.

BTW, 250mg of enanthate per week elevates my estradiol to over the top of the normal range. 400mg per week of enanthate puts me over double the max of range.

I'm the same way, I test estradiol all the time. I have my AI's dialed in now.
I'm the same way, I test estradiol all the time. I have my AI's dialed in now.

It's a win-win. You take the right amount of AI's (which are expensive if you're using Arimidex) and increase free testosterone. I don't bother testing for testosterone now - which I know is going to be highly elevated anyway. I only test for estradiol and get a CBC while I'm at it. Every 3 months or so I'll test liver and kidney function, lipids and HbA1c.
I should have mentioned - I'm 53 years old, so I don't go off completely but maintain a low testosterone dose of around 125mg per week in between higher dose periods. If I was younger I would most definitely test my testosterone levels after PCT to see where my natural levels were at.
IML Gear Cream!
I'm the same way, I test estradiol all the time. I have my AI's dialed in now.

exphys......I would like to know what type,and brand of AI works well for you? I want to run the higher doses of quality Test as seen above,but man......I do not want to have any sides,or waste money on AI's that don't well,or at all. Thank you very much bro for any light you can shed on this.
Adex works best for me. Aromasin is fine but I have to run it 25 mg every 12 hours if running test and dbol. Adex 1 mg Ed works better and is cheaper.

I like research stop and chemone research. Precision labs has been good too.
1 mg of Arimidex got me from 483 pmol/L down to 82 pmol/L in a week. (100mg proviron hardly made a dent, getting me from 585 pmol/L down to 483 pmol/L). After that I started using it at dose 1mg EOD. I'm about to take another test to see where I'm at using the lower dose.

Note how high my estradiol was using only 435mg of enanthate per week. When it was tested at 585 pmol/L I was taking 50mg proviron per day.
I'll have some results on mlg test e in 3 weeks. Been following protocol to the t
Interesting thread. I'm getting labs next week, they won't be for this but I'm sure my test is over 1500..That's the max on this specific test
Its a great idea.
Would love to see some various results done on whats available to the community.
If a shop does not have real testo- I sure would not trust there other products.
IML Gear Cream!
Unfortunately most guys don't want to run test at 300 mg/week w no AI or hcg.
:hmmm::hmmm:hey New to this site.. I have been on test cyp for a year, I'm prescribed 4ml 200mg/ml once every three weeks due to low T... I have done a few cycles in the past but not in about two years, I started ordering some gear for a friend and decided since I already had the test that I would run some Tren Acet with, which I have done before in the past and got amazing results, but long story short my doc was only checking my low serum test levels every 6 months and she moved and gave me to one of her colleagues which I recently had to meet and she start asking all these question wich my other doc never did like if I had ever done steroids and if I had always been built:nail:, just questions like that then she orders all these different blood test some I know are for stuff like liver, cholesterol, etc. I was just wondering if I did 14 shot out of a 25ml of Tren Acet and took my last shot the third week of June and the half life is 3 days but detection time is 4 to 5 month when can I be sure it wont be detected in blood test???:geewhiz: My gear is British Dragon and I order straight from source so quality is no QUESTION...:ohyeah: The blood test consist of;CBC Automated, CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel), Lipid Panel Fasting,TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Testosterone Level Total, Vitamin B12 Level... The B12 is for my fatigue I'm still having which is what I went to the doc for when I found out about the low T.. I also know that the Tren Acet is a Test inhibitor, so should I increase my Test until the Tren is out of my system or does the effects go away after the half life is up????:thinking::thinking:
I take 1ml every Thursday so that I don't feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride I just tell her that I take it like that... Also she doesn't think my levels are right cause the old doc had me take 6ml, then wait 3 weeks take 6 more then the very next week did the low serum test it came back a 926 so she told me to do half this new doc kept me on same regimen but wants new test.. NOTE haven't had levels check done in 6 months docs orders...
Need to update list with Asia Pharma and new MLG results.

where are the new mlg results?

Nevermind, I found them on asf. I've asked him to post them here.
I did the protocol for 300mg/week of Test E.

My levels before the test were:

Free T = 35.5pmol/L

Estradiol = 137pmol/L

The results I got were:

Free T = 90.7pmol/L ref: 30-130

Estradiol = 212pmol/L ref: <200

Can anyone help interpert that for me as to what it means?
This is far to good of a sticky to just sit here!

I think that sources should send out some products for verification.

Also, if they do this and things are proper we should offer an incentive or our backing of sorts.

Since things are also batch dependent in the UGL world we really need to do this as frequently as possible IMO.

Exactly Robbie. Many sources rely on the customers to do lab testing if there is a problem..... which sort of sucks. Some really good sources have their product mass spectrum analyzed (LC/MS)....
Exactly Robbie. Many sources rely on the customers to do lab testing if there is a problem..... which sort of sucks. Some really good sources have their product mass spectrum analyzed (LC/MS)....

I know of a couple that do it, including the source of which I rep for and that is very apparent from the results listed above. We need to set a standard on this. We need to verify the product the do "random" checks. I am up for this as I buy a vial every now and then just to try products from other sources. Its kind of my hobby. Either way, this will ensure quality and allow the market to really see what is going on.