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Lab Testing Summary-Testosterone E or C results-ongoing updates.

This is far to good of a sticky to just sit here!

Regular users of this site need to step up and inject themselves with 300 mg for 28 days and get a blood test. We have lots of sponsors but only three have ever been checked and posted here.
Regular users of this site need to step up and inject themselves with 300 mg for 28 days and get a blood test. We have lots of sponsors but only three have ever been checked and posted here.

March bump and reminder - step up and volunteer. We should test and catalogue every sponsor here.
This is my input. I've purchased Muscle Factory Labs test c a while back. The amounts I was running and copy of the labs are listed on the link below. 700mg per week. Had labs done and results were pretty low considering the amount of gear I was using. I gave them the chance to fix it. They sent me new gear plus some winstrol for my troubles. Well I've been running the new gear since and honestly feel no different. I typically have shoulder joint issues and with the winstrol I figured it would be worse. I'm pretty sure that's no good either. Honestly I feel like these guys have wasted approximately 6 months of my time with their under dosed gear. I figured enough time will have passed in the beginning of April for me to get new labs done. When I do they will be listed on here. I really don't even want these guys to replace it. I'm the type of person that if I get horrible food at the restaurant I leave in fears of someone spitting in my food. In this case, the time I lost on their gear is more important then the money I spent on it.

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im willing to be a lab rat, My old school source died so I have to browse the interwebs. getting Labwork done is easy compared to finding a solid source