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Monster log

big and swole

Dec 10, 2014
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Big thanks to monster for letting me log and run bloods of their products. Blast will be 1000mgs of sustanon a week for 10 weeks. Goal will be to shred up a bit and lose about 10lbs. Currently sitting at 298lbs. Goods should be in any day, starting pics up tonight.
Good morning, stats are 6'8" 298lbs. Bench 455, squat 565, deadlift 685
I literally eat everything lol I got lucky with my size. Pack arrived very fast and discreet. Everything looks professional and filled properly. 1ml last night, went smooth and have not had any discomfort. I have some pics I will load tonight.
Welcome back big unit! ;)
3 pins in, minimum pip. I've been out for about 6 months and I was expecting a little more soreness. It feels good to be back in the game.
IML Gear Cream!
Libido is up, weigh in last night at 295. Looking to lose a little fat I put on this past half year. Arms tonight, looking for that aggressive spike in motivation. Kinda feeling it sitting here at work.
What is your pinning schedule for the sust B&S?
Monster gear is top notch how is the cycle going

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I've adjusted my phones settings a few times to get pics to upload wit no success.
Libido is definitely up, as I suspected the pip is nonexistent and was definitely from lack of pinning for awhile. I feel very good and my gym sessions are lasting longer simply because I don't want to leave lol