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My Hygertopin Test

IML Gear Cream!
hi there . interested in your posts etc . hoped that i could ask you a few questions ?



SPINGLE MOVE(スピングルムーブ)




SPINGLE MOVE スピングルムーブ SPM-182 スピングルムーヴ スニーカー スピングル ムーブ SPM182 PRINT(SPM182 FW09)New Balance MRL996 AS ニューバランス MRL996AS SLATE BLUE 靴専門店 スニーカー正規販売、品質保証100%!新作の新商品続々!高質な製品を驚きの低価格で提供します。最短発送!送料無料!お見逃しなくて、ゆっくりお選びなさい。EWING ATHLETICS靴専門店 スニーカー正規通販店 の超人気 NEW BALANCE ニューバランス BPN67B ,経典 NEW BALANCE ニューバランス 特価 New Balance MRL996 AS ニューバランス MRL996AS SLATE BLUE。

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I realize this is an old post but I have a question about hygetropin hgh and was not sure where to post. I recently received a package labeled hygetropin.com.cn and realized my previous package from another supplier months go was labeled hygetropin.cn. Can someone who really knows tell me the difference between the 2 and if they are legit and GTG. Thanks for at expertise in this matter.
Your guess is as good as anyone's. Not sure real Hygetropin exists anymore, however that does not mean that you do not have legit generic Chinese GH. Test some on a pregnancy kit - if it passes then schedule your GH serum test.
Thanks for the input and I will schedule a GH serum test to check. Just wondering why British Dragon would sell me a product I can not confirm as legit because the manufactures website is not available. They claim they sell only legit products on their website and they are not scammers but if true they should not sell products that can not be verified. Thanks again.
Thanks for the input and I will schedule a GH serum test to check. Just wondering why British Dragon would sell me a product I can not confirm as legit because the manufactures website is not available. They claim they sell only legit products on their website and they are not scammers but if true they should not sell products that can not be verified. Thanks again.

Because the GH market is worth a shit ton of $$; people often get (and expect) generic GH that tests out fine. The names and caps are all bullshit at this point. When ordering the generics it is more important to pick a good source than the name or what color the cap is...