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My Hygertopin Test


Nov 30, 2011
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Outside the box
IML Gear Cream!
My Hygetropin Test

Ok chaps, I pinned 10IU Hygetropin at 11:40 am, have a Dr appointment at 1:30 PM to get a rec for a GH serum test and to check my levels of TRT. Gh serum tests take about two weeks to come back from the labs here so please be patient.

My vials are the 8IU version, no labels due to customs etc. I filled two vials with 8IU of Bac water, took 2IU out of one vial and added it to the first vial to have a 10IU shot.

I am going out on a limb here by saying I think these are good due to the fact I have really sore knees, just like growing pains as a teenager, plus lower back soreness. Holding reasonable water too. So we will see if the symptoms are a good indication of good GH....

Stay tuned.


PS: Will be able to show my test levels on 1.5ml of Depo test as well (100mg/ml). Currently taking this every 10 days.


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Ok chaps, I pinned 10IU Hygetropin at 11:40 am, have a Dr appointment at 1:30 PM to get a rec for a GH serum test and to check my levels of TRT. Gh serum tests take about two weeks to come back from the labs here so please be patient.

My vials are the 8IU version, no labels due to customs etc. I filled two vials with 8IU of Bac water, took 2IU out of one vial and added it to the first vial to have a 10IU shot.

I am going out on a limb here by saying I think these are good due to the fact I have really sore knees, just like growing pains as a teenager, plus lower back soreness. Holding reasonable water too. So we will see if the symptoms are a good indication of good GH....

Stay tuned.


PS: Will be able to show my test levels on 1.5ml of Depo test as well (100mg/ml). Currently taking this every 10 days.

thank you for doing this.
Hope yours tested better than mine since hygetropin is no longer made and all are counterfeits or fakes.
Hope yours tested better than mine since hygetropin is no longer made and all are counterfeits or fakes.

Find out where Dr. Jin works now, he was the man behind the good HYGES! He knows how to whip up some good HGH. Why/When did HYGE's get shutdown? a shame they were the best chinese HGH for a good bit.
Hope yours tested better than mine since hygetropin is no longer made and all are counterfeits or fakes.

Well if that vendor sold me bad GH, he will be going down hard.....or re-supplying me with what he promised or a refund...simple as that! Let the games begin.

I will be testing another GH in the not too distant future, one that has already shown to be very potent.
Well you may have a good counterfeit that tests well(lets hope you do). Lin does make GH but it has the spiral top not the pinwheels.
Question for the experts: Can you explain why this morning when I just woke up my right forearm and hand are noticeably more swollen than my left forearm and hand. Clenching my right hand is quite difficult and feels somewhat numb?
IML Gear Cream!
My hands get really swollen on just 5 iu.
any results yet?
Naah Bro...its takes two weeks to get them in Canada....sometime next week for sure. Sides have settled down too thank goodness.

I'll be waiting. glad to hear it, trouble walking from a test shot is not cool, from any shot for that matter.
Damn I'm over here chewing on my nails refreshing my email and I'm pissed I didn't get my results in 24hrs. I'd go crazy after two weeks!!

Side note: This Dr. Jin dude.... is he behind Jintropins?
Damn I'm over here chewing on my nails refreshing my email and I'm pissed I didn't get my results in 24hrs. I'd go crazy after two weeks!!

Side note: This Dr. Jin dude.... is he behind Jintropins?

lol, I was the same way too, I even checked my email on my comp in case my phone email wasn't working for some reason lol. It's probably all these bbers overloading the labs with bloodwork. I bet your results will be there tomorrow morning at about 7:30.
I was wondering if they emailed results on saturday. Awesome. I was hoping they would.
I've gotten results on sunday before
Damn I'm over here chewing on my nails refreshing my email and I'm pissed I didn't get my results in 24hrs. I'd go crazy after two weeks!!

I used to get stressed about stuff like this....not any more, when the results arrive they arrive...no point getting yourself worked up about it ;-). With all the crap about they will probably be underdosed anyway....lol
IML Gear Cream!
Well the results are in for my Hyges and I am pretty happy. I knew these were good. I am a seasoned user of GH and know what the feeling is like so I am glad my initial judgement was correct.

22.2 ug/L blood drawn at 3:15 mins after pinnng 10IU's subq.


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Well the results are in for my Hyges and I am pretty happy. I knew these were good. I am a seasoned user of GH and know what the feeling is like so I am glad my initial judgement was correct.

22.2 ug/L blood drawn at 3:15 mins after pinnng 10IU's subq.

Great results for injecting Subq brother.
Vry nice for subQ indeed. Maybe a 25 plus IM ? OD
very cool. happy growing.
I am thinking higher as subq peaks at 4 hours and I tested at 3:15...either way its good stuff!

For sure- just make sure you sleep with them LOL-Enjoy-OD
Nice results, I would edit out the lab and chart number.
I am so happy the hyges tested that good! You guys doing all this rock :winkfinger: