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Next cycle DBOl/Anadrol test/tren var and hgh


Feb 12, 2014
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
5,8 195lbs bf11%

Weeks 1-4 Dbol 15mg/ Anadrol 25mg
two times daily (30/50 a day total)

Weeks 1-4 HGH 4ui in the morning (due to cost i know most will say its a waste)

Weeks 1-10 Tren e 150mg's two time s a week (300mgs a week total)

Weeks 1-15 Test E 300mgs two times a week (600mgs a week total)

Weeks 11-15 Anavar 15mg two times a day (30mgs a week)

Anti e: atrimidex

Pct: nova 60/40/40/40
and some bs pct supplement with milk thistle blah blah full of a bunch of nonsense herbs.

Not using clomid as it gives me acne more then the AAS them self's. I am not very acne prone my parents never got it i had none as a teenager i barely get any on cycle but this seems to give me some so I'm sticking with nova.

I know most of you will say the HGH is a waste or i should do it before the roids but I want to see what it will do to my body and hopefully it will produce good synergy for that month.
Also then tren is a little on low due to it being E

Im hoping to really branch out and exploded with this cycle break 200 hopefully get to 225
Then maybe 1 more bulk cycle
Finally 1 cutting cycle with a proper a 6 month hgh/tren/clen to get my BF down to around 5-6% as my final cycle and to be done with steroids for ever.

Please feel free to give me your advise concerns
final cycle and be to be done with steroids for ever .made me lol. the 4 weeks of hgh will be a waste not that 4 iu is a low dose it is a high dose if it is pharm grade 4 weeks is just not long enough i ran 2 ius a day for 100 days 2 kits and got good results but would love to be able to have ran it for longer.and the var needs to be ran higher dose i get best results at 100mg a day of var. and for the best cutting cycle hands down is test,tren,mast and you could add var and winny and some hgh and if you can not look damn good on that kill your self.j/k kinda
4 weeks of GH?:hmmm:... I have never used GH because of the cost also. but it is pretty standard advice to really see the effects of gh to use it for at least 6 mos.

I would drop the gh and up the tren. and accept that this wont be your last cycle hahahah

IMHO I think that if the var is legit you dont need 100 mgs. Honestly 100 mgs of good var would make me feel like shit.
hmm that is good idea maybe suck it up and get another 100 for a total of 200 uis and drop it down to 2ui's everyday 5 on 2 off. but is 2ui's 5on 2 off even enough if its riptropin? that should last me about 4 months.