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Question for labmax test


Oct 6, 2019
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IML Gear Cream!
For my labmax test for testosterone E my result was vial A was blue-green and vial B turned blueish-green-brightorange does anyone know by experience of what kind of compounds are in this i know the blue-green is a plus but couldnt find all three colors for vial B this would be very much help
From what I understand the labmax testing is pretty picky. Too little or too much from vial to vial will throw off results. You should have gotten instruction and a color code sheet with your kit. Does that sheet tell you which color represents which compound?
Yes to the fluorescent colors it has everything to test E but has more other compunds from my understanding on the color chart on labmax says it has eq in it as well but on the roidtest for testosterone it shows the colors for sustanon wich in the return i purchased testE300 im starting to think its sustanon because this has been my first pin in over 5yrs an i dnt remember testE being so pip i still got a knot after 3days but i as well used a pin bigger than i have ever used but i do remember sust gave me allot of pip when i used it yrs back because of other compunds in a mix but letssee if i get the normal heartburn after the 7day mark though but there is definitely hormone cause the fluorescent was more than there was oil so since i had trouble with one test i needed to double check before pin to clarify wich i did and yes there was more than just testE
Labmax test is very questionable at best -OD
Too unreliable to mess with...imo, I don't even hear or see people using labmax anymore much
They're sketchy, especially with orals. The coloring in the tab can mess with the results if they are colored.

If you have a good eye and experience, oils are so so to test.
They're sketchy, especially with orals. The coloring in the tab can mess with the results if they are colored.

If you have a good eye and experience, oils are so so to test.
Well.shit. I never thought about the coloring of the tab messing with the test result color. Makes sense to me.