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What are they?
SARM's are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They have been developed to treat medical issues like muscle wasting, osteoporosis and even cancer.
They have similar effects (although usually not as pronounced) as anabolic steroids when it comes to tissue growth but, not as prone to produce the androgenic side effects such as, acne, hair growth, change in voice (ladies) and so on.
Overall, most SARM's offer less sides and harmful effects then typical AAS but, don't produce the radical changes in body composition, strength and hardness either. As with most things in the Enhanced world, the stronger the drug, the more sides.
MK-2866 AKA Ostarine -
P***ably the most used and readily available SARM out there. Ostarine is mildly suppressive when used at higher doses for long duration, 25mg 8+ weeks although it's not as suppressive as most AAS. It has very few negative side effects which makes it a popular choice and, it does a decent job at helping you gain lean tissue.
Typical doses are 25mg a week for 8+ weeks for men and 10mg a week for 8+ weeks in females.
Given its properties, Ostarine is a very good choice for women looking to dabble with enhancement use.
Results would be comparable to a weaker oral AAS such as Anavar. Slow steady gains in strength and surge weight with little sides.
I've personally used Ostarine during cruise periods before with trt doses of testosterone and had great results maintaining size.
Adding this SARM into an AAS cycle COULD be beneficial but, overall I don't think many people will notice much from it given how mild it is. If I were going to recommend adding it to a dieting phase, it would be during a cut since water retention is minimal and it's ability to preserve lean tissue could be utilized quite well.
Other potential positive effects -
Improved cholesterol and insulin resistance
S4 AKA Andarine
Much like all SARM's this one was produced for conditions such as muscle wasting but, it's shown positive effects at reducing the size of the prostate much line Finasteride. IE partially block dht binding to the prostate.
One major concern with Andarine is the reports of vision issues. Floaters are commonly reported as well as a yellow tinting and incorrect colors being seen.
Overall Andarine is a very mild SARM and typically used during cutting phases.
Typically S4 is dosed at 50mg 3-4 times a day since it's half life is only about 3 hours. Cycle lengths are commonly 6-8 weeks with 10 week cycles not being uncommon.
Hardening is the main positive result from S4 although some lean tissue and strength can be gained. S4 is also believe to help burn fat but, much line Anavar or winstrol this is a result from a greater metabolic environment and dieting overall then any small mechanism the drug may produce.
LGD-4033 AKA Ligandrol
This is often regarded as the strongest sarm available. It's been compared to lower dose dbol in terms of weight and strength gains along with pumps.
Typical doses range from 10-20mg for 6-10 weeks. The half life is 30+ hours so once a day dosing is fine.
This drug is mildly suppressive and doesn't aromitase so, pct might not be necessary and, if it is, a simple clomid Kickstart would probably be fine.
Very few negative sides are reported. Nausea, headaches and lethargy being the most common although, many users experience increases in energy and mood like dbol.
This sarm could be used for cutting or bulking. A combination of Ligandrol and GW50156 is rather popular with many users for recomping.
I believe the biggest benefit would be adding this when you have hit a plateu in weight or, while dieting and calories get on the very low end.
RAD-140 AKA Testolone
Rad is a pretty powerful SARM as SARMS go.
Like the others it does not aromitase and is devoid if the androgenic side effects. It is rather suppressive though.
It has been shown to help reduce weight and swelling of the prostate and, actually aids in brain health. This is due to its ability to protect your gray matter from amyloid beta proteins. For these reasons it has been studied for Alzheimers treatment.
Rad is mildly effective at increasing strength, lean muscle tissue and hardening. It's also commonly attributed to increase in mood and libido.
Cycles are typically 15-20mg a day for 12 weeks for a male and 10mg for 8 weeks for a female. 30mg seems to be the high end dose where return goes away in the cycle logs I've read.
You could throw this in anywhere really but, during pct if you do pct would not be a good option due to suppression. I think you'd be well served to run this at the tail end of your cycle into the beginning of your cruise as it may help with any loss in your feeling of well-being as hormones decline.
It's a good match with LGD-4033.
SARM's are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They have been developed to treat medical issues like muscle wasting, osteoporosis and even cancer.
They have similar effects (although usually not as pronounced) as anabolic steroids when it comes to tissue growth but, not as prone to produce the androgenic side effects such as, acne, hair growth, change in voice (ladies) and so on.
Overall, most SARM's offer less sides and harmful effects then typical AAS but, don't produce the radical changes in body composition, strength and hardness either. As with most things in the Enhanced world, the stronger the drug, the more sides.
MK-2866 AKA Ostarine -
P***ably the most used and readily available SARM out there. Ostarine is mildly suppressive when used at higher doses for long duration, 25mg 8+ weeks although it's not as suppressive as most AAS. It has very few negative side effects which makes it a popular choice and, it does a decent job at helping you gain lean tissue.
Typical doses are 25mg a week for 8+ weeks for men and 10mg a week for 8+ weeks in females.
Given its properties, Ostarine is a very good choice for women looking to dabble with enhancement use.
Results would be comparable to a weaker oral AAS such as Anavar. Slow steady gains in strength and surge weight with little sides.
I've personally used Ostarine during cruise periods before with trt doses of testosterone and had great results maintaining size.
Adding this SARM into an AAS cycle COULD be beneficial but, overall I don't think many people will notice much from it given how mild it is. If I were going to recommend adding it to a dieting phase, it would be during a cut since water retention is minimal and it's ability to preserve lean tissue could be utilized quite well.
Other potential positive effects -
Improved cholesterol and insulin resistance
S4 AKA Andarine
Much like all SARM's this one was produced for conditions such as muscle wasting but, it's shown positive effects at reducing the size of the prostate much line Finasteride. IE partially block dht binding to the prostate.
One major concern with Andarine is the reports of vision issues. Floaters are commonly reported as well as a yellow tinting and incorrect colors being seen.
Overall Andarine is a very mild SARM and typically used during cutting phases.
Typically S4 is dosed at 50mg 3-4 times a day since it's half life is only about 3 hours. Cycle lengths are commonly 6-8 weeks with 10 week cycles not being uncommon.
Hardening is the main positive result from S4 although some lean tissue and strength can be gained. S4 is also believe to help burn fat but, much line Anavar or winstrol this is a result from a greater metabolic environment and dieting overall then any small mechanism the drug may produce.
LGD-4033 AKA Ligandrol
This is often regarded as the strongest sarm available. It's been compared to lower dose dbol in terms of weight and strength gains along with pumps.
Typical doses range from 10-20mg for 6-10 weeks. The half life is 30+ hours so once a day dosing is fine.
This drug is mildly suppressive and doesn't aromitase so, pct might not be necessary and, if it is, a simple clomid Kickstart would probably be fine.
Very few negative sides are reported. Nausea, headaches and lethargy being the most common although, many users experience increases in energy and mood like dbol.
This sarm could be used for cutting or bulking. A combination of Ligandrol and GW50156 is rather popular with many users for recomping.
I believe the biggest benefit would be adding this when you have hit a plateu in weight or, while dieting and calories get on the very low end.
RAD-140 AKA Testolone
Rad is a pretty powerful SARM as SARMS go.
Like the others it does not aromitase and is devoid if the androgenic side effects. It is rather suppressive though.
It has been shown to help reduce weight and swelling of the prostate and, actually aids in brain health. This is due to its ability to protect your gray matter from amyloid beta proteins. For these reasons it has been studied for Alzheimers treatment.
Rad is mildly effective at increasing strength, lean muscle tissue and hardening. It's also commonly attributed to increase in mood and libido.
Cycles are typically 15-20mg a day for 12 weeks for a male and 10mg for 8 weeks for a female. 30mg seems to be the high end dose where return goes away in the cycle logs I've read.
You could throw this in anywhere really but, during pct if you do pct would not be a good option due to suppression. I think you'd be well served to run this at the tail end of your cycle into the beginning of your cruise as it may help with any loss in your feeling of well-being as hormones decline.
It's a good match with LGD-4033.