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Mar 22, 2011
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south dakota
IML Gear Cream!
I recently bought my first cycle of testosterone and dbol and have a few questions since I am new to this. I bought 1cc of test and 25 pink pills of dbol with a test booster of Cryotest and post workout Analbolic Halo and I also been taking Nitrix for the past month. Is this a good combination to start out with??
My initial thoughts were to take 200-250 test a week and only 2 dbol tablets the day I workout, one in morning and one before my workout with taking the booster daily along with the nitrix. My body tends to react different to meds so I thought I would start slow to see how I feel. Also I am prescribed Adderall by my physician and was wondering will that effect me in anyway?

Any thoughts and opinions would be great. Thanks!!
uhhh you need to do some more research your obviously not educated enough on AAS to use them so dont waste your time with what you got. read more. how old?
Thats a bad cycle idea bro, you need more test and you need to take dbol eveyday to keep levels stable
34 and again I am new to the AAS. I have been researching but everything I read is different. What would you suggest with what I have because I cant return it?
Buy more test!! Minumim should be 400 test but i would start at 500 your dbols you can start with 20 mgs 10 am 10 pre wrkout and bump as needec- 30 was about all i needed, and of course clomid for pct and would suggest a AI like aromasin daily through pct

Read this ^ You have a lot to learn before you use AAS. You only have 1cc of Test? or did you mean 10cc. You need to not use steroids until you learn how to first. Would try to fly a plane without knowing how to fly? Read everything you can on here. Ask questions but make sure you try to find the answer to them first then if you need help ask. What is your bodyfat% weight , years training, cycle history, height?
buddy you have some work to do! you dbol should be around 30-50 mg a day split in two doses, test al least 500mg a week also split into two doses.....get nova on hand in case of titties..clomid for pct 100mg a day for two weeks than 50mg for two more weeks....wait two weeks after your last test shot to start pct. good luck and keep researching!
Well at least you got the adderall goin for ya. Wish my doc would give me some.
Yes do more reading and take plenty of notes.

You have to have a better understanding of the basics.

We all had to start somewhere - you just posted your question to early.
Hey brotha I am also new to this but it took me about a year of researching and here in these forums before I started. Do a lot of reading and also ask question because I tell you these guys here know their stuff I learned a lot from them. Good luck brotha