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Cycle: Tren Prop A50?


May 1, 2012
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
What do you think of this cycle? :thinking:

stats: lifting on and off since age 12.

1-4 & 8-12 50mg anadrol pre workout 350mg EW
1-12 test prop 100mg ED 700mg EW
1-8 tren ace 75mg ED 525mg EW
adex .5mg EOD
Dostinex .5mg E3D

PCT Weeks
clomid 100/75/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
This isn't your first cycle right? I'm assuming no...

Other than that looks pretty damn good :)

I'd swap the nolva in pct for an aromasin down-taper but you should be ok either way
ok. thanks. na not my first. ive been around for a little bit. ive actully been running this for 9 days now.
and went in today to go see my doctor and he wasnt so happy with me. my blood pressure was like 147/94 my pulse was 119bpm and my body temp was 100. so he wanted to do immeadiate blood work and gave me some valium and now i think im droping the anadrol completely and lowering the tren to .5cc and prop to .75cc a day. and run that for a while and see how that goes. so right after I picked up a thermometer and a blood pressure machine at cvs and going to monitor them twice a day. :)
drop the drol and lower the tren but you should be fine on the prop no? Obviously tren can raise BP but I wouldn't think in 6 days that's it, drol is notorious for it though
ya true. just that my doc said if my test blood levels go over 850 hes not going to be my doctor anymore and i kinda like him.
ouch I'm surprised he made the connection so quickly lol. Don't pin any prop for around a week prior to your blood test then, then just pick up where you left off IMO
well ya i told him. he doesnt mind but he wants me to be on the really really safe side of things. and hes my new doctor because i just recently moved and i didnt think he was going to be so strict about it. I told him my blood levels will go over 1500 and he is like if they do im not your doctor anymore. ok don't pin any prop for a week before my next blood work. you thinkg that will mess with my cycle and hormone flucuation???
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well ya i told him. he doesnt mind but he wants me to be on the really really safe side of things. and hes my new doctor because i just recently moved and i didnt think he was going to be so strict about it. I told him my blood levels will go over 1500 and he is like if they do im not your doctor anymore. ok don't pin any prop for a week before my next blood work. you thinkg that will mess with my cycle and hormone flucuation???

Not significantly, you know they will draw blood on your next appt again... Pull the prop down, even out of equation a week prior to test.. that will let it lower down for test.. second you get home from Dr, blast 300 mg, then back to reg schedule.... Surprised he's freakin at over 850, other than bp and whatnot... Not taking thyroid or anything are you... Or clen?
ya i know. no nothing else. i was more worried about those too but for whatever reason he came up with 850. :-(
IML Gear Cream!
I'm thinking possibly you have an infection you don't know about.. that would account for bp and temp(that's a pretty high temp, some aas will raise it a little due to increased metabolism... but not that much)
Yeah I would drop the prop completely before the test, I'm not sure what dose you would have to take to stay below 850 but I'd imagine it would be very low. Probably less than 125mg a week with prop? I wouldn't try to guess if it's important just leave it out for a bit and pick up where you left off, libido might drop temporarily but you'll be fine
hahah i just got my blood results back today and he said they were over 3000 hahaha after only nine day. bahahahaha. im screwd. I dont think he want so be my doctor any more. i tried calling hime back today to talk about them. but he never returned my call.....

but i did drop the anadrol today and it did seem to help a little with my bloodpreassure and body temp :)
I seem to be in good health never had a probplem till i jumped on my gear. but its been acouple years since i last cycled so maybe they are just really kicking good, and my receptors are so clean.
I wouldn't run the ace with the drol personally but if you're not prone to prolactin sides or you take something for it I guess it would be alright.

You're not a newb by the looks of it so you probably know already what works for you personally.

I do the same thing but with Bol and much more test..

Oh, I'm fucking retarded, you have dostinex in there.... Right on sir..
just to post the reslts i dropped the anadrol. my strength and endurence up are significantly and my body weight is up to 116 ten day into it from 108lbs. :)
my bp goes up everytime a start a cycle then levels back out within a few weeks.... i dunno if thats normal, i figured it was my body just adapting to the hormone change
Ok my blood pressure and body temp are still runnin a little high still running a little higher than I'd like running 100mg of prop and 100 mg of tren ace everyday. Should I lower the tren to .75 a day and the prop or just the tren? I'm on about day twenty running 100mg each everyday.