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Kigtropin Test


PCT blows.
May 27, 2011
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Having switched to a new source recommended from a member of this board, I felt it necessary to test my recently purchased 3 kits of kigtropin. On the day of the test I took 5iu, fasted, sub-q, and took a growth hormone blood test 2.5 hours later. My levels came back .9 (reference range 0.0-2.7). At 24 years old, I assume .9 is pretty much just my own body doing its thing.

Having been on the HGH for a month already, I have not experienced any bloating, CTS or numbness of the hands/feet even after dosing 10iu.

The kigtropin i'm currently using has kigtropin labeled on the top of the flip off cap, came with a folded up paper and has the expiration date stamped on the box. I have stopped taking the HGH lately because of fear on what the vials actually contain. If it's HCG instead of HGH, I would be risking extreme HCG overdosing. Haven't done a pregnancy test, but don't really plan to either as the vials are nothing but junk.

After contacting the source of the kigs, he is sending me 3 new kits saying his old supplier was to blame and that he is looking to correct the problem. This is good to hear because he's risking thousands of dollars in lost profits if I end up posting details on eroids or here. Upon receiving the new hgh, I will redo a hgh blood test and hope the side effects come on strong dosing 10iu eod. Stay tuned if you're interested in possibly purchasing kigtropins in the future.
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thank you for doing the testing.
I'll try to take some when I get home Heavy. Just purely based on the packaging and look of the kits, I felt thought they were legit. There was the kigtropin sticker on the box and the labels were securely fixed on the vials without there being any labels or writing underneath.
There's some very legit looking kigs but that reading indicates it is bunk. could be fake or it could have been stored improperly. Let's hope your new batch comes back with better readings.
way to go, subscribed. and thanks.
Sorry for the delay in getting pics up. On the left is my new shipment of kigs and on the right is the tested bunk kig.


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when it comes to HGH, I trust NO ONE!!!!! I dont care how good of a rep someone has.... No way in hell is someone getting real hgh for 2 or 3 dollars per iu, nope!!!!
when it comes to HGH, I trust NO ONE!!!!! I dont care how good of a rep someone has.... No way in hell is someone getting real hgh for 2 or 3 dollars per iu, nope!!!!

Sorry to disappoint you but many of use have done blood work that proves otherwise. :)
IML Gear Cream!
Good job doing the tests. Lifting consistently is the key for this stuff.
Sorry to disappoint you but many of use have done blood work that proves otherwise. :)

you have been here for 3 days? LOL

what do you mean by many of us?, LOL

you are not us.. You are a sponser changing your name to make money by selling bunk gh. I have been on gh for the past 15 years. if its real, 4 ius per day will make your hands and feet numb as hell. I have tried 5 diffrent gh's from diffrent sources and none of them work worth a fuck. even at 18 ius a day
you have been here for 3 days? LOL

what do you mean by many of us?, LOL

you are not us.. You are a sponser changing your name to make money by selling bunk gh. I have been on gh for the past 15 years. if its real, 4 ius per day will make your hands and feet numb as hell. I have tried 5 diffrent gh's from diffrent sources and none of them work worth a fuck. even at 18 ius a day

I've personally tested some GH that falls into that price range and it came back 33.4 I believe.

However I tested kigs back when this section first started and I had to throw away 10 fucking kits of it. It was all bunk. Then they resent me just 2 kits to "make up for it". They too have the light blue top. I didn't expect them to be legit so I'm not fucked up about it. Stay away from the kigs until we get a good test in here.
Pieguy, do you happen to still have the batch number of the fakes. I got some bro's on another board with numbers that look very similar to your fake, but the picture is a bit blurry to be 100% sure. Just trying to save them the heart ache if I can. Thank you...
Anyone tested the NQK yet? These are supposed to be the new improved kigs. Serums test are supposed to be over 30 but I seen some guys do 28. Still good though but I have some coming on the way.
whats NQK? i might have a newer version coming, just want to see if i can identify if its the same, honestly i dont wanna fuk w/em anymore, to much bunk shot goin round for my taste
"NQK" are the New Quality Kigs that are out,there in black boxes to seperate them from the bad kigs that came out before. I seen one guy tested them and it came out 12 but the same guys also tested out pharmacy grade HGH and he tested low with 18iu also.

The NQK are guranteed to be GH serum tested at 30 or around 30 and I have seen tons of great reviews on the NQK.
thanks, that good to know, so WTF was i using before>?...do they foam up when reconstituted? i just went today did one to see if foamed at all, NOTHING????
IML Gear Cream!
NQK stands for november quality kigs.
Having switched to a new source recommended from a member of this board, I felt it necessary to test my recently purchased 3 kits of kigtropin. On the day of the test I took 5iu, fasted, sub-q, and took a growth hormone blood test 2.5 hours later. My levels came back .9 (reference range 0.0-2.7). At 24 years old, I assume .9 is pretty much just my own body doing its thing.

Having been on the HGH for a month already, I have not experienced any bloating, CTS or numbness of the hands/feet even after dosing 10iu.

The kigtropin i'm currently using has kigtropin labeled on the top of the flip off cap, came with a folded up paper and has the expiration date stamped on the box. I have stopped taking the HGH lately because of fear on what the vials actually contain. If it's HCG instead of HGH, I would be risking extreme HCG overdosing. Haven't done a pregnancy test, but don't really plan to either as the vials are nothing but junk.

After contacting the source of the kigs, he is sending me 3 new kits saying his old supplier was to blame and that he is looking to correct the problem. This is good to hear because he's risking thousands of dollars in lost profits if I end up posting details on eroids or here. Upon receiving the new hgh, I will redo a hgh blood test and hope the side effects come on strong dosing 10iu eod. Stay tuned if you're interested in possibly purchasing kigtropins in the future.

Hey pieguy, any update on this? The 3 reshipped kits....did you end up testing those? Good or bunk?

Also can you PM me the source of your kigs...assuming you are no longer having issues with their kigs? Im looking for a legit source of kigtropin and would love to know from someone who has used the source before. There are many bogus sites out there. Looking to start with 6 kits and ive heard from other people/forums that kig is decent if you get the real stuff

Thanks man
Friend, there are vacumm in the vials with kigtropin marked in the blue tops?
Does the home pregnancy test still, or ever showed, fake gh no matter what brand, as bunk if the test comes back as positive? I know years ago ppl were going with this testII know were claiming theirs were bunk on this method. My 1st time running gh the correct way, just got in kigs that seem legit, inserts and all but no vacuum when filling vials.