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My first year competing as an IFBB Physique Pro!!!

IML Gear Cream!
hahaha! just one! omg i might have been able to eat a third if i didnt eat all my fries and most of donny's LMAO!!!

I usually convince her to order 2, then when she can't eat the second one I step in and play hero and eat it for her. Anything for my wife!!! LOL
just seeing this journal now. i need to get caught up on your happenings. Congrats on becoming part of the IML Team !!
I usually convince her to order 2, then when she can't eat the second one I step in and play hero and eat it for her. Anything for my wife!!! LOL
haha what a good husband you are! so supportive! love it :):)

just seeing this journal now. i need to get caught up on your happenings. Congrats on becoming part of the IML Team !!

well hello!! glad ya found me!!! and thank you :):) ;);)
Yesterday was just cardio for me, nothing special. Its frustrating because after the Desert Muscle Classic, I had to stop training shoulders because again, I was told that my shoulders are too dominant. Which I have always known and been told. BUT I want to bring a more balanced package to the stage so I am adhering to the advice given. So no shoulders for me. Which makes my training not as fun, but what can ya do.
Oh I also didnt mention I also only train chest once every 2 weeks. My chest gets really lean and striated quickly, and I also dont want to build my chest anymore than it already is. This is a personal decision, I dont like a muscular chest on a woman, I dont think a thicker chest would b attractive on me, so I will not build a bulky chest. Plus lets face it, I have huge fake boobs and adding a thicker chest would look awful. My implants are above the muscle, so i dont have as high of a risk for messing them up if I train chest hard and heavy, but why risk it. I paid for my girls on my own, haha and I love them lmao! So why mess up a good thing right lol!!

So that all being said, I only have back legs and arms on a regular week of training. So what I have done, to keep sane, is break my leg day into 2 legs days so that i have another day of training in the schedule.
Ive also had some intestinal troubles the past few weeks. Ive had this type of issue in the past and it was directly related to stress. I am going to a Dr in about a week to check everything out to make sure im ok haha made the mistake of looking up things online and diagnosed myself with cancer lmao! Apparently everything we do or that happens to us leads to cancer. I know that is NOT what is happening with me and that it is stress related, but cant hurt to get checked out!
Stress is a real killer, you take care of yourself.

It must be a pain in the ass not to be able to train certain bodyparts because judges don't want them too big/pronounced. To me that defeats the whole balanced package that we should strive for.
^^Agreed Anabolic! Jilly I think you look fantastic. Your hard work absolutely shows. I think judges in this sport have gotten too picky and concentrate on one aspect rather that the summ of all the parts. I think you bring everything together very well Ma'am.
Delts are impressive.
Stress is a real killer, you take care of yourself.

It must be a pain in the ass not to be able to train certain bodyparts because judges don't want them too big/pronounced. To me that defeats the whole balanced package that we should strive for.

yea stress stinks!!! I am doing a lot of deep breathing hahaha :):)
and HELL YEA not training shoulders is making me a little CRAZY!!!!!!!! every day I walk in the gym i want to run over and grab 60lb dbs and press away!!!! But i do know my delts are huge haha but i love them. and if they need to shrink to make me more balance so be it. I actually might train them next week, just lightly, ill video it if i do haha:)

^^Agreed Anabolic! Jilly I think you look fantastic. Your hard work absolutely shows. I think judges in this sport have gotten too picky and concentrate on one aspect rather that the summ of all the parts. I think you bring everything together very well Ma'am.
thanks so much! I try! :):):) thanks for jumping in and ollowing along:)

Delts are impressive.
today was cardio and chest, i had thought i was doing abck but realized i just did back on sunday haha. so chest it was! my one exercise was just not that thrilling. I use the Peck Deck, lower the seat so that when i press, i am reaching up at an angle to hit my upper chest and upper chest alone. After my 5 sets of 20 reps, i felt the urge to do more so i added incine press on the smith machine :) Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law! Bad girl i know! lol! but doing one exercise is so damn boring! so i did 2 haha and finished cardio. its nice to be home early. i have homework to do, barf, but had to jump on here first!

tomorrow will be back day! and if i can get someone to video me i will!
Bad Jilly!! But sometimes you gotta be bad. Looking forward to the back training video.
IML Gear Cream!
OMG thursdays are my longest day....

I cnat rememebr if i mentioned this anywher but i get up at 4:30 - 4:45 during the week to get some cardio done before I go to work, I teach, then a few days a week i drive 45 mins to an hour to classs (finishing my masters) then i train....

I got home tonight just before 10. Thursdays i dont have class, but i had a meeting w my advisor at 3, so i left school early to drive up to the meeting, then drove another 30 mins to Golds New Haven, to train with Kenny Wallach. He has done my arm training for almost a year now. I see him once a week, and its worth the drive!

but then we go over posing, then finish cardio, then i drive home and that takes about an hour and 15 mins.

had a great work out today though and we had someone video it, so i hope to get that video out to you all asap!

as for now, i am off to bed!
well its been a few days! I have had a crazy few days, it never ends! My boyfriend works 12 - 13 days away and comes hoem for 3 days, so when he is home we try to spend as much time together as possible. we always have a ton of errands to do and this weekend was FULL of people to see and things to do!

The Ny Metro was on Saturday, we were going to go to Pre J and Finals, but i needed to sleep in and rest. i had a stressful week with my internship and found out a lot of things that made me very upset with the district and the univeristy i am earning my masters with. Long story short, i am getting my masters in secondary education ( certification in english grades 7-12) but the internship i am in placed me in a K-2 school. I do love the little ones but that is not what my certification will be in and i have spent the past 8 months tryign to get to the high school. i ound out a lot of stuff about how the district lied to me and the university about the intership and i had to make a decision on what i was goign to do. it was stressfull and a big decision but i dropped the internship today. I was put in a few compromising positions i was just not ok with and i needed to make a stand and stand up for myself. so i had my dad, who is also my lawyer, come to school with me for a huge meeting and got it all taken care of..

so, now, i am just taking classes and not working during the day, so this lets me train when i need to and not stress about getting that in and when. I can also start takign on clients again for posing and training so that is awesome!

i am so glad this battle is over. i will be able to walk in May, finish classes in june, and do my student teaching in the fall as planned. thank god for my dad! he is the BEST!
When one door closes, another opens. You stood up for what was right, sometimes those are not easy decisions.

Much respect to you Jilly, keep doing your thing and we will keep following along.
When one door closes, another opens. You stood up for what was right, sometimes those are not easy decisions.

Much respect to you Jilly, keep doing your thing and we will keep following along.
thank you!!! :) it was sad to say goodbye to the teachers today, i couldnt say goodbye to the kids cause i would have cried.

but i know it was the right thing to do, they had used and abused me at the school and it was just not right.

Stand for something or you'll fall for anything!! :):)
Im Irish:) Glutes are not our stong point. but hey, everyone is work in progress, if you can even belive it, my butt used to be smaller than it is now, at least i dont have to stress about getting fat off my tushy :) Cant have it all! ;)

Great answer. Total class, welcome!!
Im Irish:) Glutes are not our stong point. but hey, everyone is work in progress, if you can even belive it, my butt used to be smaller than it is now, at least i dont have to stress about getting fat off my tushy :) Cant have it all! ;)

thanks ;) ive heard worse lol. and i dont have a round full butt, but it is small and striated, id rather have it this way! :):)

My WP sis is here! I'm so glad you started a journal. We can motivate each other. I lost some of that after St. Lou. It was hard getting back in the gym and try to train with passion again because I just feel so defeated. Ugh. And I LOVE training!

I'm the same with you. Irish glutes. So tiny, but f'en A, don't have to bust ass (no pun intended.) to get them in shape. And like you, I have to be careful cuz' I get striations in them and afraid to even walk so the judges don't see that conditioning. lol

Love you Jilly!
^^ God help us all should we see striations! :wits:

Jilly you've had a boatload of stuff to deal w/ lately! Congrats on taking a stand and moving in the direction you want! I kinda went thru similar - when I was in the last semester of my computer science masters, my masters thesis project got cancelled by IBM (or at least the part they were paying my stipend for). Then I realized my advisor had actually put me thru the Computer Science track instead of the Computer Engineering track that I intended to do. The upshot is I took an extra semester of classes instead of completing my thesis and just moving on. I got a co-op job w/ an engineering company that turned into a full-time job after I graduated. Not quite what I was expecting, but it still worked out. :)

Keep kickin' it!
Thats great you stood up for yourself. We have to do that in life. Strong boundaries help us be successful in every area they are applied.
It must've been a hard decision to make. But as long as I can see your life has been about determination and doing things the right way no matter the cost. And this was no exception!
IML Gear Cream!
Im Irish:) Glutes are not our stong point. but hey, everyone is work in progress, if you can even belive it, my butt used to be smaller than it is now, at least i dont have to stress about getting fat off my tushy :) Cant have it all! ;)

Great answer. Total class, welcome!!
:):) :):)

My WP sis is here! I'm so glad you started a journal. We can motivate each other. I lost some of that after St. Lou. It was hard getting back in the gym and try to train with passion again because I just feel so defeated. Ugh. And I LOVE training!

I'm the same with you. Irish glutes. So tiny, but f'en A, don't have to bust ass (no pun intended.) to get them in shape. And like you, I have to be careful cuz' I get striations in them and afraid to even walk so the judges don't see that conditioning. lol

Love you Jilly!
aww mama! i know it must been hard after St louis. but you are strong, beautiful, determined and LOOK AMAZING! I wish we lived closer! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ God help us all should we see striations! :wits:

Jilly you've had a boatload of stuff to deal w/ lately! Congrats on taking a stand and moving in the direction you want! I kinda went thru similar - when I was in the last semester of my computer science masters, my masters thesis project got cancelled by IBM (or at least the part they were paying my stipend for). Then I realized my advisor had actually put me thru the Computer Science track instead of the Computer Engineering track that I intended to do. The upshot is I took an extra semester of classes instead of completing my thesis and just moving on. I got a co-op job w/ an engineering company that turned into a full-time job after I graduated. Not quite what I was expecting, but it still worked out. :)

Keep kickin' it!
omg that is a crazy story! holy god! i woulda freaked! you handeled it well and only had one semester to add?! but i am sure it was full of classes and not easy. I am glad it all worked out for you! xoxoxox

Thats great you stood up for yourself. We have to do that in life. Strong boundaries help us be successful in every area they are applied.
thanks:) yea i tried to be calm and quiet and did everything that was asked of me, but when i felt i was not getting anything in return, i decided to fight back. its one thing to try to make thigns work, but when you are getting royal screwed, that is not ok! lol

It must've been a hard decision to make. But as long as I can see your life has been about determination and doing things the right way no matter the cost. And this was no exception!
it was hard, i couldnt say goodbye to the kids because i didnt want to upset them, which was the hardest part, ever though i was supposed to be in the high school, i really bonded with those kids and will miss them.

I know that everything we do counts for something, but I had quit my job on Wall Street to follow my passion to teach. people thoguht i was crazy for leaving my awesoem job, but i knew i was meant to be a teacher. I felt that i had offered a compromise with the school for my internship, split the time because i know they needed help at the k-2 school, but the year is almost over, and they never help up their part of the deal. you can only stay and get screwed over so much before you are pushed to the edge.

I feel so much better now. AND i had a crazy leg day yesterday! Honestly i dont know if its the fact i slept in and got some rest, or not having the stress, OR THE HALO for HER! but my leg day yesterday was AWESOME! my weights increased by A LOT!!!!!!!!!! i was a WOM-ANIMAL yesterday!!!
I had a GREAT back day today! had a great cardio session too because IFBB PROs Jon Delarosa and Marco Rivera were there at the gym doing cardio too! Cardio always goes by fast when you can chat haha!

Im excited cause Marco is doign the 212 at Orlando so him and his wifie will be there! its nice to have people you know at a show. makes things more fun. Plus my girl Jennifer Robinson, who i turned pro with at Jr Nats last year, will be there too! haha we are JR squared lol!

i kind of did a lot of my back work out today, just had a lot of energy and wanted to hit it!

started with assisted pull ups - did 5 sets of 15
next was seated pull downs super setted with standing straigh arm pull downs. 15 reps for 4 sets , i was excited cause i got up to 150 today on the seated pull downs! woohoo!
next i did 2 hammer strength machines then moved over to seated pulls rows(drop sets)
and finished with hyper extensions!

tomorrow will be exciting because i am part of the Golds New Havent posing seminar. I am in charge of the WP ladies. we have heard there willbe a lot of girls there! i am excited to help everyone!

sunday ill be at my Grans house :) she lives closer to my friend Melissa Debernardo, so i am stoppign at Mels house ont he way home to say hi! :)
Have fun tomorrow Jilly and a Happy Easter!

Great session today, destroyed back and biceps myself today, now I am getting some daughter loving!! Great day!!
Busy weekend.. but it sounds like fun. Enjoy!!
BUSY as always!! :) have a great weekend!

Have fun tomorrow Jilly and a Happy Easter!

Great session today, destroyed back and biceps myself today, now I am getting some daughter loving!! Great day!!
hey! happy Easter to you and the Fam! woohoo for a great workout! and even bigger WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO for daughter lovin time! :) have a great weekend!
Wife's birthday was Wednesday, party is tomorrow and then Easter. Gonna be a very busy, fun filled weekend!!
how was the paryt!!! Happy bday to your wife! yay!

Wife's birthday was Wednesday, party is tomorrow and then Easter. Gonna be a very busy, fun filled weekend!!

had such a busy weekend! Was at Golds all day for the seminar. it went really well. about 8 bikini girls, 4 figure girls, 8 WP ladies w me, 3 Fbbrs, about 10 MP guys, and about 30 BBers! GREAT TURN OUT!!!

there were about 80 - 90 people there for Evan seminar. that went really well!

ill try to put a video together of the stuff i taped:)

after the seminar i droe all the way ot my parents house, about an hour and half away and hung out there for the night. we got up and drove to my Grans house on sunday am. she is 90!! and still lives on her own:) she is AMAZING! my brother an i drove up in my car and spent the 2 hours catching up. he is 3 years younger than me.

had a great family day, was sad cause Donny had to work :( so he missed another holiday with us. i hope next year will be different.

i left my Grans at about 3:30 and drove to Melissas house to hang for a bit, then i drove another hour ana half home. i had so much work for school to do, but i was too tired. so i went to bed.

I have a big prsentation tonight for one of my classes sp ill be at the library all day today! just getting in cardio at home now as i type lol

check in later!
Party was great, wife and baby had a blast sharing being the center of attention.

Sounds like you had a GREAT weekend!! Looking forward to the video!!
aww!!!! yayayaya!!!

Party was great, wife and baby had a blast sharing being the center of attention.

Sounds like you had a GREAT weekend!! Looking forward to the video!!

well yesterday was a LONG day! i was at school prepping for a presentation from 11 to 6! got an A! yaya!!! only one paper and one test left in that class! woohoo!!!

so today i came into the city to visit my BF cause his schedule was light so we were able to hang out and train at Juan Morels gym. Juans my best friend:) love him to death! and i love that Donny and him get along so well too. its awesome! Juans fiance came and met me for cardio, so that was great too!!!

here are some pics!

OH and i also didnt have a cheat meal this weekend cause Donny was not with us, so i saved it for tonight! we are goign out when he gets back from work. ill post pics of that too!


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