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My Steroid Testing Log With Labmax.


Banned Member
Jan 28, 2014
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IML Gear Cream!
First powder test. Nandrolone Decanoate raw very chunky and kind of like slushy, oily, coconut chunks. It is supposed to be light orange at first and then green when you put the blacklight on it. This is in test vial B. I could do another test in Test vial A which would give a yellow green color. But I will do the melting point test before I waste another test vial. Here are the results. Looks good. The blue light made it look blue but I did see some green in the lighter areas. It looks good to me. Deca G2G.


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Labmax reported to be inaccurate is what I heard
It is inaccurate. But it's better than not testing it at all. It takes practice to know what color changes to look for. Some of the colors are very easy to spot and some are not.
Testing for potency will be a more....hands on approach.:whip: Presence of hormone is the main goal. Based on my research 20mg of anavar is not supposed to give you 7 hours of caffeine like effects/insomnia after you take it and is also not supposed to turn dark brown in the test vial. I will present the facts and make my best judgement that's about it. I don't even want to test my tren. But the fact I haven't had one nightsweat in 3 weeks at 550mg/week is a little odd. Low test and low carbs is my only explanation. No alcohol for 6 months probably doesn't hurt either.
I don't think anyone is immune to the effects of Tren. I would chunk that shit.

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Tren Acetate

So this is my Tren from the same supplier as the Deca. The tren is supposed to be yellow/light orange normal and green in the blacklight. This is my first tren cycle so I have nothing to compare it too. The first 2 weeks were horrible. It felt like I was ready to snap and had negative ability to cope with anything. Taking a walk in the park in 65 degree sunshine was fucking annoying as hell. Nothing was enjoyable. Absolutely nothing. But after about 2 and a half weeks it was like a switch went off and everything was fine. Maybe it was low test high estrogen I don't know. Haven't had any acid reflux, night sweats, or insomnia or dark urine. Appetite is up, blood sugar seems unstable, sweating more, weird vivid dreams and waking up to piss every hour and a half check. Not losing weight but strength just keeps going up, weight staying the same 211. Eating like 1800 calories a day. No PIP but it does burn and hurt at the injection site for about an hour after injection.

The test was initially orange then got dark orange after a few minutes. You can still see yellow in there but does look dark in the picture. Black light looks good. I struck a trade with Crimson with some of there products so I will be testing :whip: their tren A out in a few days to compare side effects to this tren A. We'll see if I get night sweats on Crimson tren which most get pretty badly. They were very generous thank you Crimson. Here are the pics of my present tren test batch...


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Interesting...whose gear is it you are testing now?
the tren looks like mine and it is good

the test is very accurate but it all depends on tester,some result are hard to read but it works well on many other steroids

it already saved me a lot on bunk gear


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Legend Anavar

I've never taken anavar before so I don't have anything to compare it too. All I know is when I take Legend anavar I get very strong caffeine like effects for like 4-5 hours. The test is very simple. No black light is needed. Crack the vial and insert like 1-2 mg of powder. The anavar is supposed to come out light yellow/green. If it is winstrol it comes out a darker olive/green. The colors are even on the vial to make it easy. If it is dbol it comes out red/brown. Here are the pics.....

According to the chart this is dbol as far as I can tell. I tested two seperate packages just to make sure you can see in the background another vial with another red/brown color. According to the directions the test takes 15 minutes. So I set a timer for 14 minutes and watched the magic the last minute. There was no magic. Just the anger and shame one feels when you've been cheated. Allegedly. Next test will be legend testosterone propionate. I'm still waiting for labmax to confirm the pictures. They should be up tomorrow.


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IML Gear Cream!
I've never taken anavar before so I don't have anything to compare it too. All I know is when I take Legend anavar I get very strong caffeine like effects for like 4-5 hours. The test is very simple. No black light is needed. Crack the vial and insert like 1-2 mg of powder. The anavar is supposed to come out light yellow/green. If it is winstrol it comes out a darker olive/green. The colors are even on the vial to make it easy. If it is dbol it comes out red/brown. Here are the pics.....

According to the chart this is dbol as far as I can tell. I tested two seperate packages just to make sure you can see in the background another vial with another red/brown color. According to the directions the test takes 15 minutes. So I set a timer for 14 minutes and watched the magic the last minute. There was no magic. Just the anger and shame one feels when you've been cheated. Allegedly. Next test will be legend testosterone propionate. I'm still waiting for labmax to confirm the pictures. They should be up tomorrow.

Damn...I sure hope not. I've got 500 tabs of Legend Var and 500 tabs of Legend Winny. But I've had legit var before and anybody can get legit D-bol so I'll know what I'm taking when I start popping them.
I've never taken anavar before so I don't have anything to compare it too. All I know is when I take Legend anavar I get very strong caffeine like effects for like 4-5 hours. The test is very simple. No black light is needed. Crack the vial and insert like 1-2 mg of powder. The anavar is supposed to come out light yellow/green. If it is winstrol it comes out a darker olive/green. The colors are even on the vial to make it easy. If it is dbol it comes out red/brown. Here are the pics.....

According to the chart this is dbol as far as I can tell. I tested two seperate packages just to make sure you can see in the background another vial with another red/brown color. According to the directions the test takes 15 minutes. So I set a timer for 14 minutes and watched the magic the last minute. There was no magic. Just the anger and shame one feels when you've been cheated. Allegedly. Next test will be legend testosterone propionate. I'm still waiting for labmax to confirm the pictures. They should be up tomorrow.
If you use it much var in the test it will come out very dark. The first time i tested AY Var this happened. I retested with only a few grains of powder and it matched the correct color perfect. Try it again.


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read the instruction if it turn like right away dark brawn then it is dbol
I'm using their var at 100mg/day and am not impressed at all. I'm sitting at around 9-10BF% currently. At least it was free I suppose.

That is disheartening. Oh well, the whole thing would only be a $200 lesson if it is shit. Live and learn.
here is good anavar I have tested recently, it was hard to find a good one, the rest was dbol


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When I hear the reputable source it makes me to laugh. Maybe he is trying best but they never test powder coming from China, next time he gets bunk powder and he has no clue.

I test everything.
If you use it much var in the test it will come out very dark. The first time i tested AY Var this happened. I retested with only a few grains of powder and it matched the correct color perfect. Try it again.

I did the test twice already. Anavar takes 15 minutes to change color. I put the powder in the vial and the color went immediately red. Both times from seperate packages.
here is more anavar from 4 sources, 3 were bunk, turned black right away within seconds, it was dbol


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IML Gear Cream!
Anadrol from the same supplier as the Deca and Tren, Brucegroup

For the anadrol test you use the clenbuterol/anadrol test vial. If it is clen it's purple and if it is anadrol it is grey. Very straight forward. Tap the vial on the counter a few times to get the crystals down in the liquid. These crystals are what react with the hormone. So tap it and crack it...kinda like a keg...i haven't had a beer for 6 months omg I'm soooo thirsty....:wits: the wagon is getting bumpy......anyway crack the vial put like 1mg of powder in and stir.

So here are my results....

It appears the Oxy powder is not Anadrol. I have no idea what it is and will have to email Bruce and ask what he thinks it is. I took it for 10 days at the beginning of the tren cycle. Strength increased but could have been the tren. Weight increased by a lb and a half on a severe calorie deficit like 1500 calories a day for about a week. But it is obviously not anadrol. I also felt like death on it with no cardio ability at all so I had to stop after 10 days. I will update if I ever find out what it is.


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Test vial B with blacklight for my Tren

I just realized the blacklight is only good for test vial B. Test vial A is just a different test that might show a different color under normal daylight. So it is just a way to narrow down what hormone you are testing. So here is my Tren in vial B with the blacklight...

As you can see it is orange like test vial A. But under the blacklight it is much more green and easier to see. Honestly it looks similar to test vial A with blacklight but for me it was a no brainer seeing it first hand it was way way greener like Mercury's test. Honestly I think Bruces Tren is good. It may be underdosed...but I can't say for sure. Still no nightsweats. Very rough sleep the night before last. But all in all pretty mild with sleep sides. Looking forward to trying Crimsons' Tren A and Test P. I like pinning short esters and I think my whole cycle has been lacking a proper testosterone dose/base.


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Hey man..thanks for running all these tests bro. I know people debunk labmax tests for the most part, but its still better than nothing. At least you seem to be really taking ur time and methodically following instruction.
Hey man..thanks for running all these tests bro. I know people debunk labmax tests for the most part, but its still better than nothing. At least you seem to be really taking ur time and methodically following instruction.

Those who sell bunk gear will always discredit any test which proves that they scam. Labmax is a little tricky on some gear but it is clear and easy on most of them. You just need to learn how to use this.

I used to post GC/MS results from lab to expose scammers, I was attacked right away for posting false results (as scammers claimed on paid boards and banned by adminstrator)

The same with labmax if their gear is passing the test then labmax is good, if not then it is not good.

I have been using labmax for a while and I have found a lot of good gear for the first time.
Those who sell bunk gear will always discredit any test which proves that they scam. Labmax is a little tricky on some gear but it is clear and easy on most of them. You just need to learn how to use this.

I used to post GC/MS results from lab to expose scammers, I was attacked right away for posting false results (as scammers claimed on paid boards and banned by adminstrator)

The same with labmax if their gear is passing the test then labmax is good, if not then it is not good.

I have been using labmax for a while and I have found a lot of good gear for the first time.
-- Ive seen that with my own eyes as well. I can tell that this forum, imo, is more credible than most (or just flat out the most credible). There are those sponsors you speak of who slam or discredit peoples results, even if backed by a blood test (or 2). Ive seen moderators/admin/senior board members alike, put some of these rogue sponsors in their place, on the open forum! Its nice to see a forum that values its honest members! Other places say they do, but its lip service. They value sponsor money over integrity and honesty.

Stole the words out of my mouth....
-- So many things I could say here, but I think you summed ot perfectly!
Legend Test Propionate

Test propionate is supposed to be clear in both vials. Then blue-green under the UV light in vial B. I haven't run any of the legend Test P powder that I have made really, just here and there to make sure it is sterile so I can't really give a first hand review on dosage. Here are my results...

Right away I had a problem. There is supposed to be no color change at all in vial A. I tested all 3 batches of my test P in 3 different vials. All three started out light yellow and eventually turned dark orange. I emailed labmax and they responded something like this....

"Are you out of your mind, we cannot have people waking in from street with controlled substance and asking to test. We loose licence and we will have legal troubles.
You can buy as many test kits as you want there is no low against it but we cannot get directly involved with restricted substances."


Yeah I was gonna fly to Canada and have my 10 grams of powder tested. I don't know why he said that. His English to French/Canadian translator must have tooken a shit. Yah No!

So I calmly went on to vial B. I put just a touch of powder in and the color seemed to stay pretty clear. A very faint yellow if anything. Under the black light it looked blue/green to me. The correct color. So in my limited experience with this kit and the uncooperative nature of that Canadian monkey...
Vial A is a fail. But vial B is a pass. If labmax could have helped me more I could provide some sort of explanation but I can't. I wouldn't piss on admin Edward if he was on fire. I might piss in his mouth if he was dying of thirst though.... here are the pics...

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Here are the pics...

They didn't upload in order just look for A or B on the vials. Vials A should all be clear. No pigment change. Vial B reacted normal.


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Yeah I was gonna fly to Canada and have my 10 grams of powder tested. I don't know why he said that. His English to French/Canadian translator must have tooken a shit. Yah No!

You know since they have become popular they might be having hard time with people emailing them. I guess a lot of people are just waking in like it isrestaurant.
I have been looking for a long time to have some GC/MS testing nobody would even reply since it is illegal for me to have steroids and it is illegal for lab to handle.
I do not think that you can email them, say that you bought steroids from some guy inthe gym and you want to test them.
I have never emailed them, they have all documented on their web site, and even myfive years old daughter understands this.
Here are the pics...

They didn't upload in order just look for A or B on the vials. Vials A should all be clear. No pigment change. Vial B reacted normal.

what did you test here ?

looks like nice blue under UV

is it test prop