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My Steroid Testing Log With Labmax.

IML Gear Cream!
my next cycle is also going to be test e, deca, and eq. I would like to know what and whos gear that was....
We need more people doing what you're doing. I didn't seem to notice much in the lab listing however?
We need more people doing what you're doing. I didn't seem to notice much in the lab listing however?

Well since it costs me $$ to do each test. I am only testing powders and liquids I am unsure about. I can't justify wasting money to test gear I already know is good. To be honest I don't have much gear from the sponsors here to test. Just legend. I've got my hands full with Legend and Brucegroup trying to make heads or tails of the results. And I just want to clear up a past test a little. The legend test Prop. It failed test A by showing color. That means something else is in the powder besides test p. Also test B shows decent blue green color. Well an unopened test vial shows color too under UV. I honestly can't say for sure what is in there. I might have some professional spec testing available to me in a few weeks. Untill then I just go by what I feel from the hormone and the color it gives off in the test vial. I know from use Legend test prop makes me feel extremely lethargic the next day. So tired I can't quantify strength gains. It failed the test in vial A. And it seemed to pass in vial B. Here you can see the color in the last picture. The vial on the right is unopened. Just the solution in the test vial. First pic is the failed test in vial A. No color change was supposed to happen. The middle pic is the test prop powder in vial b under uv light. It shows more green than the unopened via.


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Legend Test E And Legend/Muscle Depot Combo Test E

Test E is supposed to show orange in both vials and blue/green in vial B under UV light. I was taking legend test E with my muscle depot equipoise and I felt pretty flat during that cycle. Could have been the large amounts of EQ I was taking. But it just didn't seem like I was getting any testosterone from my oils. I actually have a thread about it here. http://www.ironmagazineforums.com/threads/198046-2g-EQ-and-400mg-Test-with-no-AI?highlight=

Anyway here are the results.

Legend test comes out orange in normal light. It passes. Under uv it's supposed to be blue like in this picture in the vial on the right.

I didn't get any blue in my tests. When I made the Legend/MD batch the MD test E powder smelled 10x better than the legend test E powder. Much stronger/fragrant like sweet pine perfume. Here are the pics....

First three are legend. Last three are the MD/legend combo. Neither show signs of blue meaning both batches are severely underdosed. Or they are Test Cypionate. But going by personal experience the powder was just plain weak. Everything I got from MD seems legit and strong. This combo test is not fair to them honestly. I don't blame MD for the bad test.


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Muscle Depot Boldenone Undecylenate

Muscle Depot Boldenone Undecylenate comes as a liquid base. It is very hard to work with. I even tried to freeze it but it did not freeze. I made it at 400mg/ml so there wouldn't be any issues with underdosing. Plus EQ can be cycled fairly high.

Boldenone is orange in vial A and dark orange in vial B. In vial B under UV light it is bright orange/yellow. I will only be testing in vial B.

Here are my results.

MD boldenone passes in vial B. It also passes the UV test. I was 99% sure it was going to pass since I ran it for 3 months already and got all the classic signs of a good EQ. Vascularity, extreme hunger, mild anxiety, slow steady gains, even night sweats. But I was taking up to 2 grams at one point. Here are the pics of MD EQ...


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World Pharma Test E aka AP Pharmacy Grade Enantbolic

Well I made it in the last WP promo by the skin of my teeth. Pharma figured out someone tried to get in that was a previous customer and I was bumped from 16 to number 15.

I received my products very quickly for international shipping surprisingly. They sent one each of Test E, Test C, and Boldenone. I pinned the Test C right away. It's been 8 days so no real feedback as far as gains or strength. Very smooth no pip whatsoever which is usual for Test C in my opinion.

So here is the test for AP Test E, or Enantbolic.

Test E is supposed to be Orange in both vials A and B in normal light. The first test I did was vial B. It was clear for a good 20-30 seconds and really didn't get much darker than a very light orange. That was different. Test A was more what I am used to. Just shot to dark orange right away. Now the real test. The UV test. Remember I said before you can tell the purity and potency of Test E with the UV light. If it's yellow, it's very low potency. If you see some blue it is good. If it is bright blue-green it is pharm grade testosterone and properly dosed.

Here is a picture from labmax website of pharm grade test. All labmax tests were performed on 95% pure hormone or higher. You can see the light orange color in vial b. The nice blue color under UV.


Now here are my pictures of AP Enantbolic.

As you can see they are absolutely identical. Perfect. It's beautiful. No yellow at all under UV. Just flourescent blue/green. This is the first time I've seen this for my own eyes. I guess it is true. You get what you pay for. And when you are injecting it into your body, there is no need to mess around. AP is definitely good to go. And definitely pharm grade testosterone.


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Nice ray!! I love that you test all this shit... thank you BTW.. now I just have to take a second out on my house to buy wp gear.
It's nice to test an oil or powder and get the results you are supposed to get. We shouldn't have to wonder what the fuck or how much of this or that we are injecting in our body.
I have just been reading around to learn a little and I find this testing very interesting. I think about ordering something and getting this test kit too.
Thanks Ray. I got to try AP gear

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I was searching for legend, how is he doing those days, still good gear ?
This is similar to what my test looked like for oxandrolone (color). The more you add the more it seems to turn olive green.
here is more anavar from 4 sources, 3 were bunk, turned black right away within seconds, it was dbol

I would be interested in seeing a stanzolol vs oxandrolone post on these labMAX results to see what they look like side by side...