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My Steroid Testing Log With Labmax.

IML Gear Cream!
Yeah it was the Testosterone Propionate powder. I checked all 3 batches in vial A and they all turned orange. Then one in vial B that reacted properly with no color change and a nice blue-green color under the UV. The 3 vials with the red shit in them is the Prop powder after like 45 minutes. I mean the chart says no color change so that is a pretty big difference.


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Interesting. Talking into account "BigBoi" recently posting labs for Legends Test Prop, I would have to say Legends Test is g2g. That color chg in vial A, unless we can get clarification on what that means, should be over-ruled by the other vials looking exactly as they should. Would u agree?
then looks like you have good test prop

they say in the instruction initial color and then they explain that all will be dark later

did it turn orange right away in A ?

if it was orange in A right away, then there might be a little other shit.
I would have to say the initial color was pretty clear for about 15 seconds. Then just gradually got darker from light yellow to almost red. I don't know I was just going by the chart. I didn't see any video or instructions for test prop powder just oil. I was hoping someone at labmax could help but they just said I have everything I need and to go by the chart. I'll tell Edward OfficerFarva is coming for lunch and he wants literacola or he's gonna cornhole some fuckers...:funny:
I would have to say the initial color was pretty clear for about 15 seconds. Then just gradually got darker from light yellow to almost red. I don't know I was just going by the chart. I didn't see any video or instructions for test prop powder just oil. I was hoping someone at labmax could help but they just said I have everything I need and to go by the chart. I'll tell Edward OfficerFarva is coming for lunch and he wants literacola or he's gonna cornhole some fuckers...:funny:

Probably you pissed him off with something and he lost control. I have been customer of Labmax for some time and I cannot file a single complain. I am about to order another refill. I always go by chart, pictures on their web site and videos, everything is there.

They explain the initial color, so if it was clear I say it is pass.
here is my test prop

not the best picture but nice blue - greenish under UV, looks exactly like color of your test powder under UV

color A and B under day light like in the chart


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2nd anadrol test

I spoke with Bruce and he said to test again. He never has problem with anadrol. So I tested again and read the instructions more carefully. These are the instructions.

Clenbuterol / Oxymetholonel and Ephedrine have also special test vials. The color has to be read within reasonable short time it means just after dropping the sample into the vial, for clenbuterol it is purple, for ephedrine it is red brown, for oxymetholonel is grey. Please note that the colors will change later making the test results impossible to interpret. The color readings were taken in the first moments, you only need to know the initial color.

Well I mean it seemed like the grains turned gray in the liquid but the liquid remained the same color. Could have been me wanting to see something. If labamax could tell me if the liquid changes color or not. That would help. The liquid did not really change color that I could see. So....maybe if someone wants to test the powder for me that is eating enough that might help. I mean I get all the anadrol effects. Mainly feeling like shit with no cardio whatsoever, it just isn't worth taking this with tren for me right now. My weight is down since 2 weeks ago but that is expected. I just can't say for sure. Pics look the same as last time.


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Hey I do not see the gray color for anadrol, looks to me like no change at all. Labmax has only test for pill no liquid. But I think that there is no difference for liquid or powder, it it is still anadrol. The carrier does not matter, it is anadrol in liquid or pill. Thy have all the information posted on the we site, if there is no information then I do not think that they are hiding it.

The test will only react to presence of androl. Anadrol will not react in A and B but if you get reaction in A and B then you have something else, maybe dbol.
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here is my anadrol, just got it, you can see before and after, no change in A so I know it is not dbol but nice gray in clen/ana test vial

I have not tested liquid but I am sure it has to give the same gray


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IML Gear Cream!
No Merc I used powder. I just said the liquid in the tube did not change color. Thanks for posting this. There is no way I missed that color change. My shit is not anadrol no doubt. Thanks. These fucking powders are driving me crazy with no reference pictures to look at. Labmax should be paying us to do this man. We are going to help so many people figure this kit out. Fucking Admin Eddy.:shooter:

Someone Rep Mercury for helping me please. He doesn't deserve to be in the red....I don't think....:hmmm:
If it is pure powder then you should have nice gray. I have anadrol powder but it is in pill. My anadrol is not pure but mixed with something to make pill.

I do not think that lab like Labmx can go pubic with testing steroids. LE went after labs a few years ago for testing stroids. You can buy test kits legally but they cannot test for you.
2nd Deca test in vial A, 3rd anadrol test in vial B

So I am determined to find out what my powders are. This is my 3rd test on the supposed anadrol powder. I will call it OY. Cause it's supposed to be Oxymetholone and it's yellow. Also I was not happy with my first Deca test. After doing my tren test in vial B, I realized the Deca was absolutely not green. I mean that tren was fucking radioactive green. The deca was blue. Plain and simple. So I did my Deca in vial A. According to the chart which I have provided a picture of, deca in vial A is supposed to be yellow-green. Also I thought the OY could be dbol but I don't remember dbol being yellow and grainy. So here are my results...

The Deca powder failed in test vial A big time. It turned orange which I pretty much thought it would. I think the Deca powder is Test Cypionate. But the chart doesn't have a Test Cyp powder color code. Oh well. It seems like very high quality Cyp if I look at the bright side. It is completely different than the test cyp powder I got from Legend by the way. Bruces' Cyp is waxy/oily and smells piny and floral. Legend Cyp powder smelled like...chemicals. Straight up disgusting chemicals. I don't have any left to test though. Just liquid test cyp. Which might give different color results so I can't go by that.

The OY powder turned yellow in test vial B and really did nothing in the blacklight, maybe a little green blue but not much. It is not dbol. Dbol would have turned red. It actually looks close to Superdrol pictures but I don't want to waste another vial A on this stupid powder. If someone knows what superdrol powder looks like please chime in. Thanks. At a last resort if I put the powder in vial A and it turns green it might be superdrol. I mean it was toxic as fuck that's for sure.

Here are the pics...I've also put the deca vial b pics with the blacklight. Definitely not green like the Tren in the last picture.


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It is a little hard to see the deca but if you say that it is blue under UV then it is test enan.

If you checked with the pictures, video and chart, blue is for test enan.

I do not know if you checked with labmax instruction page but there is deca powder, last picture on the bottom of the page.

There is also test enan pure powder to compare.

It takes a little practice. I have been testing with labmax for a long time and I find the tests very reliable.

If the green is tren then I would say it is very good.
I honestly think it's test cyp by the waxy texture. Raw Test E shows no color change in vial A and faint yellow in B. This stuff went dark orang, dark orange, blue. Maybe someone has tested Raw Cyp and can help us out. I can't be the first dumb ass to test something not on the chart. Whatever I'm getting tired. I emailed Bruce maybe he knows what the fuck he sent me with this shit. I am testing his clomid tonight.

It's fucking sad when you have to resort to testing your fucking clomid guys....
can you post picture of the test powder.

I had pure test enan and it looked like solid white wax not powder.
here is test enan (blue) and test cyp (yellow) I did some time ago.

you can see the difference


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WTF is this?

Vial A = Orange
Vial B = Orange
UV B = Blue

Waxy texture. Very fragrant.:geewhiz:


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I have done a lot of testing with the labmax test kit and I find it very reliable.

My test enan looked the same and you have the same color coding as I had.

When I got the test kit first time I did not have clue how to use it.

But since then I have saved $$$ on buck gear and scammers
IML Gear Cream!
thanks some scammer selling bunk gear did not like me and put me in red
it would be great if more people wanted to join with testing.

I can see on many boards people posting pictures if gear and trying to guess if it is g2g.

Labmax is the best tool against scammers and bunk gear

Since two of my other powders were mystery powders, I thought I might as well test my clomid. Bruce still doesn't believe me and is denying it. He needs more proof. That's the problem. When 10...maybe even 100 other people don't complain because they don't know the difference between deca and Test cyp, or anadrol and whatever the shit is I got. I am the one who is wrong. Even though I tested both batches twice. How is someone gonna know the difference between Test Cyp and Deca anyway? You should gain more weight on Deca and get deca dick. Thats about all I can think of. But if you are already taking Test and your deca is just more test you are probably making similar gains anyway. Whatever....

Clomid turns dark brown when mixed in vial A. It also turns dark brown in vial B but has no reaction to UV light. So for the sake of trusting that someone wouldn't fuck me on some damn clomid powder and the fact that I am thrifty, the test will only be done in vial A. Here are the results...

Clomid passes in vial A and is g2g. I put like a miniscule amount of powder in there like a few grains and it just went dark dark brown right away. So...Yay....my clomid is legit. I can crush the PCT...


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ND powder test made into oil

So I did a melting point test on the ND powder and it melted pretty much where it was supposed to which is 100 degrees. Then I made a small batch. ND oil is supposed to be red brown in vial A and orange brown in vial B. And green in vial B under the UV light. So here are more test results...pics....

Looks pretty much like it's supposed to which is what I figured since the powder tested orange in both vials. Looks brighter in vial A and darker in vial B is all I can tell. The vial B UV test looked yellow at first kinda then just looked orange. It's supposed to be green like this. This is from the website.


This is mine...


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I think it actually looked more like the Test Cypionate picture from the website. But it melted way too easy for that I think. I don't know. I just don't know. This is what test Cyp is supposed to look like. Does anyone know if any type of Boldenone product looks like chunky powder? Or is it all liquid?

I do not trust the melting points nandrolone melts at 122-125C, test cyp at 98-102C.

So if it melted at 100C it is not nandrolone

I have done nandrolone before and it gives nice green under UV
the labmax test helped me to find really good gear, last cycle was test + bold + deca,
labmax test showed me that I had good gear so I went with the cycle

here is anti doping test I did to confirm that I indeed had good gear

so labmax is working and it is the best tool you can use at home to avoid scammers


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