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Sloppy's DNP Run.

IML Gear Cream!
I'm only at 200mg right now. I'm just thinking that I shouldn't be fighting what my body is telling me. I might pull the trigger on it. I'll just stock up on adderol. That stuff will make you feel good at least.


This is why I'll be running DNP between bulking cycles (blast and cruise). My cruise will have DNP, so I can eat like a fucking horse for bulk and cut all the fat right away after.

BF = around 15% (guess)
600mg Tren E, 325mg Test Cyp week
Increae your B-12 and Turine that should help with the lethargy, caffien will only intensify the thermogenic properties of DNP, and that could lead to more problems even .
Thanks OSL I will try that. What doses of B-12 and taurine do you recommend?
Take care of yourself, brother.
I'm only at 200mg right now. I'm just thinking that I shouldn't be fighting what my body is telling me. I might pull the trigger on it. I'll just stock up on adderol. That stuff will make you feel good at least.

I would stop and just go with eca your body is telling you somthing is fucked, we dont want to see nothing happen to you.
becareful... when you feel like shit, that is right before you hit the brickwall of fucked.
I ran 200mg for 20 days and loved it. I slept with a towel on the bed though, cuz that shit will make you sweat. I've never seen anything burn fat like it though. You are going to love it!
The tired feeling usually passes after 4-6 days. ECA is critical with DNP, it makes it tolerable to a degree. Fructose in fruit will help as someone else pointed out, it goes straight to the liver to provide energy you need.

It's not an easy thing to run, but when the water weight falls off you'll look in the mirror and be like ....................DAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNMMM!

Good luck in either path you choose, if you do stick it out, you should expect the lethargic feeling to subside within a couple of more days.

The reason you puked was the caffeine, happened to me several times on 400mg without anything else.
Have you ever run short blasts of 400-500?

I have run 2 short cycles of 500 and loved the results but never did a low dose long cycle. Wondering how they compare

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GMO, you didn't have any other symptoms other than sweating your ass off at night? I can't believe that. Just goes to show how people process things differently. This stuff made me feel like walking death. I didn't take it last night and today was a good day. I was still a little tired and hot but much better. I think I've decided to drop it for now. I might come back to it later and see how it goes but I just think my body wasn't made for DNP.
IML Gear Cream!
Damn...just saw the dropping it part.

Un Sub'd. :)
Damn you V!!!!
Guys lost me in the last 3 post...

BF = around 15% (guess)
600mg Tren E, 325mg Test Cyp week
Damn you V!!!!

Hey, I wanted to see a full log on the stuff. It intrigues me. Scares the hell out of me and it's something I'll most likely never touch...bit I have to admit that it's interesting.

With my work and my fitness pursuits, use would be impossible I think. But still, to see the results on those who do use it, (physical appearance at least)...fucking impressive as hell. :)
Glad you are feeling better. Too bad you can't finish getting your cut on with the quickness.
Oh I have some other tricks up my sleeve bro don't worry. And this is just the beginning of my cut. I'm starting my strict diet on April 1st. There will be a log. Probably in the EK section. Be on the look out.
On a scale of 1-10, how did you feel physically and mentally on it?
Honestly I felt horrible. If 10 was flu like, bed ridden symptoms I'd say I was about a 7. I just felt out of it for the entire time span. I had ZERO energy and one day I slept over 18 hours. I felt like it was a wasted week of my life. Kinda like if I just took a shit ton of xanax for an entire week.

On the plus side, I did lose some weight. But I said fuck it and just went ahead and started my cycle. :lol:
IML Gear Cream!
Honestly I felt horrible. If 10 was flu like, bed ridden symptoms I'd say I was about a 7. I just felt out of it for the entire time span. I had ZERO energy and one day I slept over 18 hours. I felt like it was a wasted week of my life. Kinda like if I just took a shit ton of xanax for an entire week.

On the plus side, I did lose some weight. But I said fuck it and just went ahead and started my cycle. :lol:

Yeah some people just don't react well to it and you were only at 200mg.
I started to feel shitty on day 12 but at 500mg. I didn't want to move or do anything physical. I worked out but did low weight higher reps. Couldn't handle going heavy or over working myself.

I'm about to start another run tonight and then start my cycle towards the end of it. Can't wait

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DNP is pure hell, but it's results are well worth.

BF = around 15% (guess)
600mg Tren E, 325mg Test Cyp week
it dont have to be pure hell.....i ran it at a gram a day before......that kinda sucked with bein uncomfortable and everyone lookin at me strange cause i was drippin sweat and breathing like darth vader........but i also ran at 100mg of powder variety and didnt feel much sides at all and even strenth stayed the same......not much sweating....maybe a LITTLE excessive during cardio or eating potato chips or somethin but never uncomfortable...........and it was good damage control
but i also ran at 100mg of powder variety and didnt feel much sides at all and even strenth stayed the same......not much sweating....maybe a LITTLE excessive during cardio or eating potato chips or somethin but never uncomfortable...........and it was good damage control

You were eating potato chips and running DNP at the same time? What kind of diet were you on!??
lol yeah i know how that sounds haha...........my boss buys boxes of chips and i someties grab a small bag with my lunch.....sorry man...it happens.....what can i say
OMG OMG Potato chips!!!!! Who cares? Everyone eats like Jay Culter on the web. UP THE DOSE.
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