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anadrol, dbol


Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
ventura, ca
IML Gear Cream!
whose got it legit? so many sponsors these days hard to keep up:hmmm:
Brother.. I don't run adrol anymore.. but I've bought quite a bit for a workout partner.. and from many dif sponsors.. His opinion is hands down
'H-AS' is the best so far..

With that said.. He hasnt tried Pharmacom .. and really has no interest bc they're only 25mg tabs but swears by their dbol.

whose got it legit? so many sponsors these days hard to keep up:hmmm:
ssed get Hemogenins back in the 90s from central n South America.. Those were awesome and the last pharm grade anadrol I ran.

Remember old good days when there were no sponsors here and everyone knew where to get legit dbol..
Now its much harder to keep up as there are too many sposors here..
uncle z was a good source back in the day, got burned by a few others, then z left and came back.
I've only run his oils .. EuroPharm.. but after he came back.

I had no issues with them.. except prices seemed a little high for UGL .. The other thing was that there seemed like a ton a drama circulating around Z and the operations..
I esp remember a few times there being massive flame wars that broke out .. and I said fuck it and peaced out

uncle z was a good source back in the day, got burned by a few others, then z left and came back.
I've only run his oils .. EuroPharm.. but after he came back.

I had no issues with them.. except prices seemed a little high for UGL .. The other thing was that there seemed like a ton a drama circulating around Z and the operations..
I esp remember a few times there being massive flame wars that broke out .. and I said fuck it and peaced out
ya there was a lot of drama with some respected members, but his tren e was good shit
I thought all his oils were spot on. I know some will disagree.. The only time there was an issue was when he got duped and bought those knockoff Omnadrens..
To his defense, I bought 100 amps, and he reimbursed me with 100mL of EP Sustanon.. and tossed in some Test Prop, some drol, and some Tamox I believe for my troubles.
They never fuck anyone over.. Ever.

ya there was a lot of drama with some respected members, but his tren e was good shit
We been around for 13 years and of course a few hiccups here and there but we always fixed every mistake we made. We do our best to make sure all our customers are happy with the products. We encourage blood testing, labmax, and mass spec. The Dbol is still the best around and I guarantee it or personally I will reimburse you myself old friend.
My friends bought some Zhengzhou anadrol at an online store - they are very happy of it. You need some research.I haven't used Zhengzhou Anadrol yet, but their Tren, test, Sta, and Hgh are awesome! Currently use this stack and are in the best condition ever.