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Best/easiest places to get laid

IML Gear Cream!
What are you talking about? The casual encounters section is still there.

Yeah, casual encounters section is still there (from what I've heard, haha) but they're mostly bullshit ads. Girls that send you these emails asking for money before you even meet up with them. Obviously, they don't understand how the game works. Sadly, a lot of desperate dudes (like yourself) fall for the scam. Love you, homie! No homo.

free, as in totally, horny sluts galore!!!!
The gym is definitely NOT it. With the exception of a few sluts, most other girls are there to work out and won't give you the time of day haha

Ya know, I hear this shit a lot. Women that say they dont want guys approaching them there. However, I see people fucking off people from there and usually, relationships spawn from it. If you think about it, the guy who is approaching the girl, the girl whom says she doesnt want to be approached so shes not wearing makeup or hot clothes, is seeing this girl at her near worst and is still attracted. I would think thats the best test to see if a guy likes you.

That fucking excuse can be used for anything anyway. I hate it when guys approach my at the grocery store. I am shopping! I hate it when guys approach me when I am out with my girls. Its my "girls night!"
How about Australia ? When I was in the Navy I was told if you can't get laid in oz , you can't get laid anywhere .
Any place where there are females and you have the balls to say hello without blowing your wad in your pants.
china? shanghai, guangzhou, just goto a uni, yes im serious, find the cafeteria
japan? any club if ur white
philippines? boracay or bohol islands

i love asia, bring rubbers cause u dont want to be wearing a filipino/chinese rubber, its like trying to pick ur nose with ur elbow
also dont try to be a tough cunt in there places, plenty of dead white guys tried that, always be nice, they people there are really good with knives lol

if you're American, healthy and have some money to burn, you are already at an advantage over 75% of guys in the world. there are sex workers in India and SE Asia literally putting out for a couple US dollars. its like buying a soda.
NYC confirmed, there's something for everyone.

white, latino, black, hipster, skater, banker, fashionista, gay, celebrity, old, artistic, foreign, jewish, muslim, christian, indian, etc...
^^^ plunger
Yo,what's up boston...(me too). Pm me if u want some insane local information
^^Are you giving a shout out to some one in a throw back thread?:hmmm:
bookstores and/or video arcades.
just look for the hole in the wall and stick 'er through!
Yo just hit up the ol neighborhood Hooters, there like a straight hooorrr factory.. always new talent at the door! Same goes for Winghouse. Cant tell u how many chicks ive banged out from there, gotta be in the 30 count by now haha
IML Gear Cream!
vegas vegas vegas.. if you got great game.. i lived there for a year just for the sake of learning PUA and got laid more in a month (about 15 times) and got my first threesome than any where else..