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The road less traveled....

Good pics mate :thumb:
Nice quads, good calves, thick traps, delts, lats. You got good all over muscle ;)
:lifter: Keep hittin it hard :dance: :hehe:
Hey Ris! Thanks for the help!
I need to get the 'winter insulation' burned off though! I cannot even see my 'horse shoes' (what of them I have left) anymore!
Tonight is a cardio night. No lifting.
Day 2, Week 2, 16 Feb, 04:

Bench Press:
135*15, 185*5, 225*5, 275*5, 275*5, 275*5 \ 225*2 (drop set),135*8

Incline Bench Press:
185*6, 185*5, 185*6, 135*8

Decline Bench Press:
185*1, 185*8, 185*8

Out of Time.
Got to gym late. Was down loading, then sending pics to Ris. Also got off to a good start, but ran into an aqquaintance, and talked w/ him for a wbit. Good results, though....he is a mortgage broker, specializing in foreclosures. He may throw a couple listings my way! (Might be a 4 - 6% commission on them!)

**no cardio

1) bad...was late for work....
2) 'mudge meal' with white rice. (will always be white rice)
3) 2 chicken breasts, veggies and 'tater's
4) Micelean MRS (chocolate..not too bad, an drink it with out flinching! :)

**work out**

5) PB & J sammich w/ glass skim milk

Almost 1 gallon

Still a bit upset that I can only do sets of 5 @ 275. I had to have a spotter too. I would have gotten stuck on the bottom if didnt' have him there, nor would have I felt secure enough having that much weight ovre me w/out one. Wondering how long it will take me to break 3 plates again (safely)

My goal: 4 plates by year's end! Both bench and squat
Hey B ... I don't think you look bad at all considering your diet choices sometimes. I do agree with Ris that you have some good muscle and now it's just a matter of refining that diet!! ;)

Keep up the good lifting my friend.
diet choices...you crak me up!
Thanks tho!
I try to eat fairly good, but that and the lack of cardio is killing me, but I am working on that...
Your upset with 275 For 5 ?!? Train with me bud and you wont feel so bad.....

Yes it took like 1/2hr to download them pics and you sent about 4 twice :lol: Dont matter :p
I WAS @ 315 for 3! (those are good, no help reps)
..and I can barely move 405 on dead lift..so we are even...
IML Gear Cream!
1) Love your smile....nothing better than a guy with a great smile.
2) Get outta the pool.
3) Tighter boxer-briefs!!!! :eek:

4) Hubba, hubba, hubba
5) Can I get some of that margarita and bbq chicken therapy?
1)thank you
3) I had them rolled up...
4) Kristen doesn't share....
Damn the luck!!!

Oh well, I'll have to get the hubby to do a little "fashion" show for me later.

Okay peeps, I'm outta here....tune in again tomorrow.
Same Lat Time
Same Lat Channel
Have a great day, FG!
Originally posted by Burner02
I WAS @ 315 for 3! (those are good, no help reps)
..and I can barely move 405 on dead lift..so we are even...
I'd rather bench 3 plates clean for reps than dead 5....
you're pretty close, aren't you?
Great pics. At least you dont look like a were wolf! :lol: Plus you have good thickness all around. Like the others said, you just need to clean up your diet a bit.

Also the brown rice in the Mudge Meal isnt that bad... Just use a ton of spaghetti sauce :D
Thanks, Pre-
what brand sauce do you use? I found Classico @ Safeway..low fat..lower sugar than prego and ragu, I believe. REAL tasty! Just finished off the last of what I made the other day, a bit ago!
I got Prego. I found it at Costco, and got some HUGE bottles.

How many cups of rice and how many chx breasts are you using in them?
2 breasts, cup or so rice, thinking less than cup of sauce.
IML Gear Cream!
Hey Mike, good to see you keeping a journal! I have one somewhere around here too... ahve to get back into shape :p

Keep hitting it hard! :thumb:
Nice work Burner!! legs are great!! and delts are awesome! great overall development! Keep up the great work! :thumbs:
Originally posted by Burner02
you're pretty close, aren't you?
I put 3 plates on everytime i do heavy week the strongest i got was about a half rep by myself and a light spot from my TP. I was pissed on Monday though cause the 3 plates didnt come off my chest without a spot :( I think getting leaner and less carbs has abit to do with it and i've never really trained for strength :shrug:
well, that's good. I was at some time ago, getting 5 reps, but I think my buddy was spotting me 'too much'..which is annoying.
yep, less carbs = less energy...less strength...
dude you are getting some undies for a late Valentines bday....you need tighter ones that show the booty off :no: who ever taught you to dress like that anyways :whip:
hey....what's wrong w/ my Whoop Ass drawers? They are boxer briefs.
I have some tighter ones (not tighty whities, thank you)
but wanted to keep things decent...
Just got back from fuqqing SPIN class with Kristen.
Holy bajeesus! I am out of shape! ok, round is a shape...
I had to do a 'gut check' to just finish the class! I didn't really even follow the workout. I just tried to pedal at a decent rate the whole 50 minutes. (by the way...you did read that correctly.. FIFTY MINUTES OF CONTINUOUS CARDIO!)
I swear, I was sweating like a $2 whore in confession after the Navy left port...
(I thought it was funny)
I don't know which is better / worse. The burning sensation from this class, or the near puking feeling you get after a grueling leg workout. Which, incidintally, I have not felt in a while. Don't know why. I am pushing the weights when I squat, at least I think I am. It feels as if I am..but have not gotten the pukey feeling in a while. Then again, I am pretty worthless for a couple hours after one of those workouts, as I need to get my nauseated self home and take a nap..
Tonight will be delts and tris.
Spin? How could you do that to yourself you $2 hooker you??
Spin looks intense but I wouldn't be into 50min of cardio like that.

Love the signature man, Something Wicked this way comes is one of my favorite books.
Glad to hear that you approached the spin class floor...your a brave man B :lol: i wouldnt even go near there :lol:
Originally posted by P-funk
Spin? How could you do that to yourself you $2 hooker you??
Spin looks intense but I wouldn't be into 50min of cardio like that.

Love the signature man, Something Wicked this way comes is one of my favorite books.
'morning! I'm a well deserved....$5 'ho! I gotz mad skillz!

I like to shake things up..and as you can see from the pics...I need...<cough cough> cardio. I usually do 20 min on the elliptical when I get a chance, and that is fine. I am pretty sweaty afterwards..feels like I have accomplished something.

THanks, I like it too. I just remember reading it from Macbeth some time ago..ok, YEARS..in high school...
WTF else would ANYONE even want to read a play? Too many thee's, thoust's, and other forgein English words that died a functionally obsolecent death?
Gonna go play, Americas Army.com for a while now....nothing like gettign shot by some unknown person on the other end of a keyboard somewhere in this great big world!