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Dbol or anadrol to start my cycle?


May 1, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!
Hey guys,
getting ready to start my mass building cycle and I want to kick it off with a oral for a few weeks. I wanted to ask y'all's opinion on which one you would do. I am leaning towards the anadrol at 50 mg two times a day for three weeks as a get my test started in my system.

Let me know what your opinions are and what you guys think. Thanks
Drol 25mg in the AM and 25mg pre workout
Either one will be good for kickstarting a cycle.
Mg per mg I'd go with dbol. Also seems to give more of a euphoric sense of well-being rather than drol that seems to give more of that androgenic lethargy feeling.
I don't respond to drol well. I get watery and it kills my appetite in the matter on a few weeks. I don't always take an oral steroid... But when I do I prefer methandrostenolone
Hey guys,
getting ready to start my mass building cycle and I want to kick it off with a oral for a few weeks. I wanted to ask y'all's opinion on which one you would do. I am leaning towards the anadrol at 50 mg two times a day for three weeks as a get my test started in my system.

Let me know what your opinions are and what you guys think. Thanks

Let's look at this from a mg/mg perspective. People get the same gains and less side effects with 50mgs of Dbol as they do with 100mgs of Drol. So you can get the same kick start(I would kickstart with prop but thats just me) with less hepatoxicity and way less side effects. I LOVE the sense of well being from Dbol and I really like the overall results. Just an idea.
Which one works better for you? I've read people that eat abombs like they are the candy of the gods...there are people that feel that same way about dbol...I think its what works for you man.
I like anadrol better. I feel my muscles are fuller and I am stronger while on drol than dbol. When I take anything over 30mg of Dbol I feel puffy and my appearance is weak.
Both are great, I prefer drol for the appearance and more strength I get out of it.
I like drol for size and strength but I hate the sides. I run prop and NPP for the first 4 weeks of a long estered bulk cycle but I like needles:daydream:
IML Gear Cream!
I've had great experiences with Dbol!
Let's look at this from a mg/mg perspective. People get the same gains and less side effects with 50mgs of Dbol as they do with 100mgs of Drol. So you can get the same kick start(I would kickstart with prop but thats just me) with less hepatoxicity and way less side effects. I LOVE the sense of well being from Dbol and I really like the overall results. Just an idea.
^I have never had the same strength gains with dbol as I have had with drol and I have taken both. I will agree with you on the sides though. Drol made me force food down my throat as I had no appetite and I was a little lethargic at times but for sheer strength gains between the two I have to disagree. Drol wins that battle. Now if you are talking just about weight or size gains...well that's another story.
comparing drol and dbol are two different things. Drol puts on strength like there is no tomorrow, all though dbol does that same for me, but the initial gains for drol are uncomparable. Drop and susp. would be great.
I love drols and dbol so for me its hard to say what to do. Them both give you a good kick start. Now thinking about strength and pumps. If i was you i would do 50mg drols ed and not 100. 100mg is over kill if your asking me. I was on 100mg ed for many years ago. And i did not feel so good from that high mg. I respond better on 50mg ed than 100. Them botg give you a bloat but i love it :-@
Good luck with your cycle what ever you are doing.

I would use Dianabol at 60 milligrams a day for 4 weeks at the beginning of the cycle.
Why not combine them? Many people run the two orals side by side.
Why not try out 50 abombs and 30mg dbol? That is if you have used both of them previously, would not recommend it if you have not used both of them separately before..best to know what you are dabbling with before jumping on ship. If you had to pick one, go with the one you have not used or go with anadrol as you are already favoring that choice!
I have never used either. I decided to go with the drol at 50mg a day for the first four weeks. I am mixing that with omnaden on Monday and Friday for a 12 week cycle. Pinning 1 amp both days so i total of 500 a week. Also have aromasin for the cycle to help with water retention.

Looking forward to the whole thing and I will let you guys know how I handle the drol. Thanks again guys for all the advice
Anadrol (for some) kills appetite, bring on headaches (really bad) and a bloat that is just terrible. You'll also feel like poop on it also. Dbol will give you a sense of well being (like others have mentioned) and put on size and strength as well.

Personally, I hate both of them. The back pumps I get are just so bad I can't even train. I've increased water, potassium and taurine and NOTHING worked. Even lowering the dose didn't help much.

Good luck in what ever you do, only one true way to find out............right?
IML Gear Cream!
Anadrol (for some) kills appetite, bring on headaches (really bad) and a bloat that is just terrible. You'll also feel like poop on it also. Dbol will give you a sense of well being (like others have mentioned) and put on size and strength as well.

Personally, I hate both of them. The back pumps I get are just so bad I can't even train. I've increased water, potassium and taurine and NOTHING worked. Even lowering the dose didn't help much.

Good luck in what ever you do, only one true way to find out............right?
thats me! lol
It's also becoming more popular to stack the 2 at a lower dose. For example 50mg drol/25mg dbol ED.
Anadrol (for some) kills appetite, bring on headaches (really bad) and a bloat that is just terrible. You'll also feel like poop on it also. Dbol will give you a sense of well being (like others have mentioned) and put on size and strength as well.

Personally, I hate both of them. The back pumps I get are just so bad I can't even train. I've increased water, potassium and taurine and NOTHING worked. Even lowering the dose didn't help much.

Good luck in what ever you do, only one true way to find out............right?

I too get horrible back pumps but I've found upping my arimidex usually helps them to subside. Estrogen related? Maybe.
Either one will do. Your diet will dictate gains. If you stay at 50 mgs on drol you wont really bloat up. Go above 100, the gains are more dramatic but the sides (bloat, headaches, painful cramps and pumps) manifest. And with drol you need an additional serm to run alongside it. Keep that in mind.

dbol is a more pleasant experience but the strength gains are a bit lower than drol. If youre not into numbers or focused Primarily on strength gains, go with dbol.
SFW, I ordered the drol and will be taking 60mg ED for the start of my cycle. I will be doing 15 week total cycle and pinning 250mg twice a week of sust. I have ordered the 50 amp special of omnaden from PSL. I am stoked to get started and will keep you guys in the loop on how it works for me.

thanks again for the advice
If your looking for mass definately dbol. Dbol will give you rapid gains of strength and size and after the 4-6 weeks the oils will start kicking in. I am on my 6th week of 850 test e and 600 eq with a 4 week start of 50mg dbol. So far i have gained 21lbs and i am running letro so i know i am not holding much water. I also have been using .75 mg of prami at bedtime to see if the gh benefits are evident like they say. But anyways after the 4 weeks of dbol making me feel swollen the oils have hit and my muscles have that after workout swollness all day.
Awesome man. I can't wait for my order to come in. I ended up getting drol but I think I will still see great results from it mixed with my sust injections.

21 pounds is awesome. I am hoping like hell i can gain that mch that quick. What are the normal total gains on a cycle with right diet and work out? I am hoping for 30 plus.
^I have never had the same strength gains with dbol as I have had with drol and I have taken both. I will agree with you on the sides though. Drol made me force food down my throat as I had no appetite and I was a little lethargic at times but for sheer strength gains between the two I have to disagree. Drol wins that battle. Now if you are talking just about weight or size gains...well that's another story.

Yeah, just size and weight gains. I think drol is excellent for powerlifting and such but I think for adding muscle and size they are on par with each other. Drol just has those nasty sides. I like to stay away from it BUT if I want to get a really heavy lift in the gym I will eat some HALO and oh shit does that ever work great!
Dbol man no questions about it bro its a stronger product. How are you going to run it? How many MGs per day are you going to run? What is your diet and nutrition looking like currently? How many meals per day do you eat?